Recent content by chickpics

  1. chickpics

    Is there something wrong with my new turkey?

    Thank you R2elk, it's great to at least know her breed. She moving slowly, but she was making some cute purring sounds when I was observing her and making sure she was eating and drinking. Reminds me of when my chickens seems happy, I'm hoping at least she's in good spirits. Now to wait for...
  2. chickpics

    Is there something wrong with my new turkey?

    So, we were just "gifted" a turkey, it was free, and no information came with her, so we named her Gravy and we're excited to learn about turkeys. I have chickens and sheep, so this is my first turkey experience. Any ideas of her breed? Does her face look normal? If it were a chicken, I...
  3. chickpics

    Organic Starter-- Nature's Best or Scratch & Peck?

    We feed Scratch and Peck Starter and Grower here to our birds. (We supplement with oyster shell on the side because we have roosters too.) I was ordering directly from them, but then realized that my co-op (Azure Standard) sells even larger bags of Scratch and Peck for a better price so I get...
  4. chickpics


    Renee I don't know of any local peahens right now for sale but sometimes there's some on craigslist. I wanted to wave at you because you're practically a neighbor! I'm in Malabar.
  5. chickpics

    Hi! What kind of chicken is this?

    Hello again ladies and gents. I have updated photo is this mystery bird now that she's 8 weeks tomorrow. Her legs look a bit more yellow each week so I had to update to see what yall thought about her breed now.
  6. chickpics

    Buff Orpington rooster?

    Well, folks. My chicks are now 8 weeks old tomorrow, and here are new pics of the big boy you all helped me with, now named Mr. Mann. Our second boy has made himself known recently and is every bit as glorious red, but has a bent comb so we call him Mr. Crooke. And here are both...
  7. chickpics

    Candling eggs

    You don't know what color the eggs are?
  8. chickpics

    Buff Orpington rooster?

    Hahahaha yea he does strut around a bit taller than the rest of them, and he seems to keep an eye on all of them, like he's always taking inventory of the others' location, even of the yet-unknown male. He even seems lets the others eat out of the feeder first. It's definitely been interesting...
  9. chickpics

    Hi! What kind of chicken is this?

    Wow thanks. Her legs are in fact white-ish, with a grayish wash on the fronts. She is not as welcoming of me as the buffs are, but I hope she grows to love me someday. Thanks for the help! I'll keep yall updated monthly until we nail down a "for sure" breed.
  10. chickpics

    Hi! What kind of chicken is this?

    Thanks in advance. This is the "Meal Maker" that Meyers put into my Buff Orps order just over 3 weeks ago on 2/22/17. What do you think it is? Her 3 day old photo is my avatar, if that helps.
  11. chickpics

    Buff Orpington rooster?

    This is my first batch of chickens ever. They all came at the same time from Meyers, on 2/22/17. Most have a little flesh colored comb forming on them now- it's the same color as their beak. This one is the only one that's pink, and it's exciting to think it's a rooster as I ordered 2 roos...
  12. chickpics

    Just starting out with chickens.

    Great to know, I guess time will tell exactly what it is! Thanks so much for all the welcome and the educated guesses!
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