Recent content by Chickstarrs

  1. Chickstarrs

    Difference in air sac size for the same hatch

    What happened with your eggs that had the small air sacs? Did they hatch ok after making the rescue holes?
  2. Chickstarrs

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Entry #3 BYM Momma with contented chicks
  3. Chickstarrs

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Entry #2 Young Copper Marans Cockerel
  4. Chickstarrs

    Broody leaving eggs during lockdown

    Yes, I expect she did leave at some point during the last week but was definitely quicker at her business. 😉 Even now, she is sitting on some fake eggs and I have not seen her off the nest. She is more experienced. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the new broody. She is the same age but never...
  5. Chickstarrs

    Broody leaving eggs during lockdown

    I currently have a new broody hen sitting on 4 eggs on day 21. Is there a lockdown time for broodies? She has been getting off the nest every morning for about 15-20 minutes. My other broody never left the nest in the last week of incubation. I was surprised to see her off the nest these last...
  6. Chickstarrs

    Wildlife Photography

    It was very cooperative just chilling out on the boardwalk railing. I could get really close. If you can zoom in far enough in the top right side of the eye, you can see a bit of clouds with the sun reflecting off them.
  7. Chickstarrs

    Wildlife Photography

    Here are some photos from Wakodahatchee Wetlands in Florida Double crested cormorant Anhinga father and chicks
  8. Chickstarrs

    Who's my Dad?

    Thank you very much. 😊
  9. Chickstarrs

    Who's my Dad?

    That's what I was hoping for. Nothing against Chicken Joe as he was a good boy. :)
  10. Chickstarrs

    Who's my Dad?

    Seems to be most votes are for Joe and Henrietta. They did spend a lot of time together. But the young cockerel has a tuft and muffs. Neither Joe or Henrietta did whereas Winston had both and a beard. Are tuffs and muffs recessive that they would show up in a second generation? Here's another...
  11. Chickstarrs

    Who's my Dad?

    Henrietta and Chicken Joe :)
  12. Chickstarrs

    Who's my Dad?

    I would like to figure out who the parents are of this young roo. He hatched from a pinkish egg on Sept 15. He may have had one long tail feather and lost it or I may be thinking of my other young roo who definitely has a long tail feather. The possible parents are pictured below. I am...
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