Recent content by ChickyNicky05

  1. ChickyNicky05

    Chick sounds like squeaky wheel

    Yes they are meat birds, we didn’t use a thermometer because we have a large brooder with two different breeds, one end has the light and one end without the light so they have plenty of space to go where they are most comfortable. I haven’t thought to check for obstruction, I’ll do that today...
  2. ChickyNicky05

    Chick sounds like squeaky wheel

    Hello, My chick seems to have an issue breathing, when he is laying down he breathes out he sort of squeaks. I haven’t been able to find anything anywhere else on the internet like it. I’m concerned it may be gapeworm but I am unsure. here is a video i uploaded to my old youtube account. Seems...
  3. ChickyNicky05

    ameraucana chicks????

    This is Chicken Little - our tiniest chick. I think maybe an Easter egger rooster?? Thoughts? The other one that is supposed to be the same breed does not have the puffy bright neck. This one also chases everyone around!
  4. ChickyNicky05

    ameraucana chicks????

    she looks exactly like my friend's easter egger, including the beak!
  5. ChickyNicky05

    ameraucana chicks????

    I hope they are! We got them at tractor supply and I have been told by a few people that they sell Easter Eggers labeled as Ameraucanas so I'm not quite sure what to believe!
  6. ChickyNicky05

    ameraucana chicks????

    Can anyone tell me from this picture if this little brown chick is an ameraucana? We were told it was, however I’m feeling like it may be an easter egger
  7. ChickyNicky05

    What happened to my hen’s butt/belly!?

    Ok so the blukote did not work- I sprayed the whole area and by the time I got home at the end of the day there was a small area where she had been pecked again. We are now trying Rooster Booster’s “pick no more” cover up lotion. I could not find any of the tar at TSC. It’s going to be a bit of...
  8. ChickyNicky05

    What happened to my hen’s butt/belly!?

    I just witnessed the strangest thing! I got blukote and sprayed it on Lady. I brought her out and stuck around to see what happened. Raven, the hen that got attacked recently went right for her, right where the wound is. So now I know who the culprit is. But what happened next was the strange...
  9. ChickyNicky05

    What happened to my hen’s butt/belly!?

    We feed them Purina latent and we don’t really give them many scraps other than leftover veggies or meat. They almost never get any bread at all. Im at tractor supply now looking for something to stop the pecking!
  10. ChickyNicky05

    What happened to my hen’s butt/belly!?

    She laid an egg this morning. She isn’t very happy with her new home, she made a big mess so I took her out and she pooped on the floor, it was runny but mostly brown and only a small bit of white. Her comb is normal and has not changed at all. I’ll have to look more at bloating today and get a...
  11. ChickyNicky05

    What happened to my hen’s butt/belly!?

    This is what it looked like at first. I held her while my fiance cleaned her up and put some ointment on it. We have her in the house for now in a cage so we can keep an eye on it!
  12. ChickyNicky05

    What happened to my hen’s butt/belly!?

    hello everyone! I had my girls out out of the run today to enjoy the nice weather. While I was hanging out with them and doing some repairs, I noticed my biggest girl has some strange wound on her butt/belly? I’m not really sure what part of her body it is considered. I noticed it as she bent...
  13. ChickyNicky05

    Chicken cut on neck

    I’m so glad to hear this!! I definitely see her drinking and eating with all of the other girls. I’ve been worried about her but I’m so happy she’s gonna be okay !
  14. ChickyNicky05

    Chicken cut on neck

    Also, don’t mind the mess in that first pic! The cord was not plugged into anything. We are in the midst of doing some (very early) spring cleaning in light of the strange warm weather we have been having!
  15. ChickyNicky05

    Chicken cut on neck

    This is the best I could do she kept running away from me! She’s been very skiddish since the attack. I noticed the place she is losing them most is the back of her neck (you can kind of see it in the pic) I’m also concerned about her comb! It does not look well. Is that normal when molting?
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