Recent content by chik love

  1. chik love

    Review by '' on item 'Star'

    red stars are the best they lay at 22 weeks:D
  2. chik love

    2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    nope it a party pekineses
  3. chik love

    2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    My sisters, who are 4 and 6, and I took these pictures of a couple of our chickens-with a little help from mom. We would really like to see one of our photos win!
  4. chik love


    i have baby chicks that are buff ORPINGTONS! they are sow cute
  5. chik love

    post your baby chicks here

    post your baby chicks pitchers and say what kind they are and say there names!!!!! Quote:
  6. chik love

    Review by '' on item 'Barnevelder'

    i really want this chicken
  7. chik love

    post your chicken coop here

    that is my plan and any suggestions?
  8. chik love

    How long after eggs start rocking? UPDATE: They're hatching!

    still have not herd piping and it is day 23 for some and 22 for some
  9. chik love

    be waer of snakes

    no they are not safe their is 2 more i have not killed yet
  10. chik love

    be waer of snakes

    he was going to eat my chicks
  11. chik love

    be waer of snakes

    today i had to kill a snake with a shovel
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