Recent content by cjeanean

  1. My Incubator 3

    My Incubator 3

    NOTE: I'm still putting this page together, so finished pics aren't here yet....Gotta find that dern camera! It's done!!! Here's some pics, I hope it ends up working out....It's not as big as I wanted, but oh well. It'll hold about two dozen eggs MAX, no extras! Anyways, thanks for looking! I...
  2. Cjeaneans Page

    Cjeaneans Page

    Hi, my name is Christina, I'm 21 and I live in the South Kansas City, MO area with my hubby, kid, and animals. I'm new to the chicken raising thing, but I'm now addicted to it!!!! I started out with just 10, bumped up to 13, adopted 7 more, bought 8, ordered 27......need I go on??? I...
  3. cjeanean

    Operation/parts manual for leahy 624 anyone???

    Hey, I've come across a near perfect Leahy #624, but while it came with all the parts I need I don't have the operation and parts manual. Does anyone know where I can get one of these, or does someone have a copy they can e-mail me? Thanks!!! cjeanean
  4. cjeanean

    Oy, chicks are LOUD! :)

    Yeah, and you gotta have them inside for 5 weeks or more! I gotta admit, though, that the ducks were MUCH worse, especially when they wanted water to play in....
  5. cjeanean

    How do i put down a hen, humanely

    The quickest method IMO is to remove the head. It might freak you out a little since the bodies keep moving due to nerves even after the head is gone, but I think it's the most instantaneous way of doing it. Here's a link to how we did our meat chickens: Some people use a traffic cone and put...
  6. cjeanean

    Any1 wanna go in on an order of KC ducklings? Raymore, MO

    I'm not sure if I'm putting this in the right place, so I'm sorry if it isn't! I am needing to get a couple ducklings. I can order them through Orscheln Farm and Home, but I have to place a minimum order of 15. I only need 3 Khaki Campbells, so I'm wondering if anyone would like to buy the...
  7. cjeanean

    pictures of your duck pens.

    Wow. Mine's hideous. It's nothing but welded wire and t-posts and some zip ties. I will go hide now....
  8. cjeanean

    Just not right Wyandotte

    Is she laying right now too? I don't know that much about it, so hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.
  9. cjeanean

    Just not right Wyandotte

    Do any of the other chickens have any symptoms?
  10. cjeanean

    Guess what my suprise chick is from McMurray....................

    I think it's a miniature chicken, most likely a boy or girl....
  11. cjeanean

    Trash Pickers Anonymous

    WOW. That is so sad, but I can't help cracking up at your expense My mom is the exact same way!!! If you have room for it, and it's not cluttering your house so that you look like a family off of "Hoarders", I wouldn't worry. As long as you have some common sense about it and you teach that to...
  12. cjeanean

    Looking into extending our property...advice? Update pg 5

    I was thinking that if I get ahold of the owners and tell them that I want the property and buy it from them for the price of their back taxes that I could bypass the deal that the other guy has. Pretty much it boils down to the fact that if the owners don't pay the 500 they owe in back taxes...
  13. cjeanean

    Looking into extending our property...advice? Update pg 5

    Good news and not as good news! The guy is wanting to sell! He also said there are no liens on the property, which is awesome! The not as good news is that he's purchasing the property in a tax sale, meaning that if the current owners don't pay their taxes by the end of august he's gets the...
  14. cjeanean

    I want to get a pair of geese. Can anyone answer a newbie's questions?

    Man, I had just decided that since I don't have to meet a minimum order by using my local hatchery that I wasn't gonna get them, especially since no one answered my thread when I thought they would. Great, now I'm having issues saying no... So is it worth it in profits?? Pretty much I just...
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