Recent content by claraserena

  1. claraserena

    momma hen being rough with chick

    Thank you. Things have calmed down. Chick is under mom. So far, so good.
  2. claraserena

    momma hen being rough with chick

    about 10 days ago my older Cuckoo Maran hen hatched out 2 bantam chicks. One I found dead under her--I think she stepped on it. The other was OK. This hen has mothered other chicks (and ducklings) and has been a good mother. But she has seemed restless and because she is large I worry about the...
  3. claraserena

    What predator is this?

    Pretty sure we have a raccoon as the chicken feeder and wild bird seed and grape jelly have been messed with. I'm going to set a live trap tonight
  4. claraserena

    mallard eggs-should I let a chicken hatch them?

    We are in the country, have a mixed, free-range flock--full size and bantam chickens and ducks. A friend n town has a nesting mallard in her yard and the mother seems to have left with two hatched ducklings. If she has left, I would like to candle the remaining eggs and put those that are viable...
  5. claraserena

    What predator is this?

    1) Yesterday evening we found the foreleg of a very small deer on the front sidewalk. This morning it was gone. 2) This morning the chickens' large metal feeder had been tipped over and moved about 15 feet from where I left it. 3) A couple of days ago a 6 wk old pullet "disappeared". 4) In the...
  6. claraserena

    Duck injured by mink--not breathing well

    Athena died peacefully about 9pm last night while I was holding her. Thank you for all of your kind words.
  7. claraserena

    Duck injured by mink--not breathing well

    I'm having trouble getting the video on. I counted 36 breaths per minute
  8. claraserena

    Duck injured by mink--not breathing well

    Two weeks ago, a small mink (trapped later) killed 10 of our chickens and 2 ducks. A Welsh Harlequin--Athena-- was badly hurt with some kind of neurological damage--two bite marks on her neck and she cannot straighten her neck. I was able to get her to a vet 4 days after and b/c she kept...
  9. claraserena

    duck having trouble with laying an egg?

    Success! An egg this morning and she is out foraging with the others! Thank you!
  10. claraserena

    duck having trouble with laying an egg?

    I did lube her vent and felt something hard but wasn't able to actually touch the egg. I'd like to try the heating pad but how do I keep her on it?
  11. claraserena

    duck having trouble with laying an egg?

    She was in the tub for nearly an hour and seemed very content. She's out now. I'll keep checking her.
  12. claraserena

    duck having trouble with laying an egg?

    I just checked her and used lubricant--I can feel an egg. She is eating and drinking ok. Getting a warm bath ready. What's a comfortable "warm" water temp for a duck?
  13. claraserena

    duck having trouble with laying an egg?

    We have 5 Welsh Harlequin ducks (4 female 1 male), 6 months old. In the last couple of weeks, I've found 4 eggs but don't know from which ducks. Today, one female seems to be in some distress--standing alone--seems she may be trying to lay an egg. I watched her for awhile and saw some clear...
  14. claraserena

    is hummingbird nectar safe for chickens?

    agree. I always make my own. HUbby picked up the red stuff b/c someone at the store told him the birds "love it". I tried it--no takers. then put out one feeder with red stuff and one with my sugar water. Sugar water was gone in 2 days. No one touched the red stuff.
  15. claraserena

    is hummingbird nectar safe for chickens?

    It's the red stuff--tossing it. thank you!
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