Recent content by clrdogrl

  1. clrdogrl

    How long will they stop laying eggs for after…

    I appreciate the reply. I’ll be patient and spoil them until they’re ready. I’m just glad they all made it.
  2. clrdogrl

    How long will they stop laying eggs for after…

    …having no food or water for 3 days. No judgement please. I was down with Covid. Son was in charge of collecting eggs. Apparently, auto chicken door froze shut and they were stuck inside coop for 3 days. Food and water is only in the run. This happened a week ago. They haven’t laid eggs...
  3. clrdogrl

    Old dominion hemp with fuzz?

    I have already had to take them off to e chicks with feathered feet. I messaged old dominion last night and they already requested photos. Sounds like it’s not normal. Hopefully they can refund/refund or replace. The other brands I’ve tried were great.
  4. clrdogrl

    Old dominion hemp with fuzz?

    Exactly! The last brand I bought was perfect for sitting and was all hemp. But I’m very disappointed with Old Domionion.
  5. clrdogrl

    Old dominion hemp with fuzz?

    Wasn’t sure where I should post this. Anyone use old dominion hemp? It is supposed to have this much fuzz? Another brand I purchased before wasn’t like this.
  6. clrdogrl

    Single comb or pea comb? Black cooper Marans, Mystic Marans, or Olive Egger

    I agree. That one has clean legs too so definite OE. The one to the right of the one you have circled is who the first photos are of. That’s the one I can’t tell. 😭
  7. clrdogrl

    Single comb or pea comb? Black cooper Marans, Mystic Marans, or Olive Egger

    Here’s the problem. I have 1 BCM, 1 MM, and 3 Olive eggers in this bunch. They ALL look like BCM’s. 😂 Actually, 2 have clean legs so that narrows it down but everything else is like looking at quintuplets. See?!?
  8. clrdogrl

    Single comb or pea comb? Black cooper Marans, Mystic Marans, or Olive Egger

    Trying my darndest to determine if this little one could be my BCM or Mystic Maran. I know olive eggers aren’t guaranteed to have pea combs but if others can see it, then it would help narrow down other potential chicks that could be. 1 week old. I know it’s too early to tell for sure. But...
  9. clrdogrl

    Roost design - parallel uneven or perpendicular. What height? 5x5 coop.

    I love love love this. I like the visual of seeing your girls actually using it too. Can I ask how tall the lowest and middle roost are from the floor? And how far apart are they from each other?
  10. clrdogrl

    Thoughts and suggestions

    I know this is an old thread but I wanted to ask how the setup of your roosts are holding up? How high off the ground are they?
  11. clrdogrl

    Roost design - parallel uneven or perpendicular. What height? 5x5 coop.

    A ramp could be a good idea. I'm assuming the poop tray is 24"? How long is your ramp? 3ft"? That would take up the 5ft but they could hop up on the ladder from the side...
  12. clrdogrl

    Roost design - parallel uneven or perpendicular. What height? 5x5 coop.

    @aart - My though process for having 2 roosts instead of 1 is because my Wyandotte isn't very nice and a lot of the other girls don't like to be around her. So, if I gave her the highest roost, the low order girls would still be happy on the lower roost away from her. Or just giving them more...
  13. clrdogrl

    Roost design - parallel uneven or perpendicular. What height? 5x5 coop.

    Thank you for the explanation. So if I have one bar 18” from the wall and 36” (3’) tall, that would still give them more than 36” of horizontal room to fly down. I’m thinking the shortest roost should be no shorter than 12” so they can still walk through it…how tall are chickens? Lol. They...
  14. clrdogrl

    Roost design - parallel uneven or perpendicular. What height? 5x5 coop.

    I was referring to the same as yours. With the 4” side up, not like in the photos where the 2” side up.
  15. clrdogrl

    Roost design - parallel uneven or perpendicular. What height? 5x5 coop.

    Getting a 5x5 coop built with bump out nesting boxes. I want two roosts. Am overthinking this I’m sure. Is there a better design over the other? I’m definitely putting the 2x4 with the wide side up. (Not like in the sample photos). I have all large/heavy breed (Orpington, Rocks, Marans...
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