Recent content by Clsikes

  1. Clsikes

    Increasing fertility in my rooster?

    I am afraid that is a possibility. I am hoping to get some different blood, but they are kind of hard to find.
  2. Clsikes

    Increasing fertility in my rooster?

    I have a white Cornish trio that I am trying to hatch eggs from. The eggs are fertile when cracked, but out of the 30-40 eggs I have incubated, only 5 have hatched, and one of those died. I hatched some eggs from another group of chickens, and the whole batch hatched, so I do not think that it...
  3. Clsikes

    UPCOMING FLORIDA Swaps/Sales/Shows/Events/Fairs - GEORGIA too

    I'm in Brooksville.  I have partridge Brahmas, mostly, and a few red splash and one blue. How old are they, how many hens do you have, and how much do you want for them? I am on the east side of Brooksville.
  4. Clsikes

    UPCOMING FLORIDA Swaps/Sales/Shows/Events/Fairs - GEORGIA too

    What kind and age, and where are you?
  5. Clsikes

    White Cornish Standards

    I have the same problem. Did you find any of a different line to get?
  6. Clsikes

    Orpington Questions

    Do you raise yours to standard? I am in c. FL as well, and would like to get some good buff hens.
  7. Clsikes


    If it was closer, I would take them. He is a good looking rooster.
  8. Clsikes


    Where are you located?
  9. Clsikes

    Delaware's for Meat

    Yes, please. I am going to try out some barred rock crosses for my meat birds. I found some heritage birds, that I will breed to some heritage Delawares, and them cross those with some pure white Cornish chickens that I have. I hope to wind up a meaty bird that lays plenty of eggs, and grows...
  10. Clsikes

    Delaware's for Meat

    Did you find out any more info on the Delawares?
  11. Clsikes

    My own meat project.

    I have some white Cornish that I plan on crossing with some heritage Delawares and Barred Rocks to see if I can get a big bodied good laying and eating cross.
  12. Clsikes

    best hatchery to purchase dark cornish?

    I have a trio of Whites, and am trying to build up some hens. I would like to find some darks as well.
  13. Clsikes

    Chicks dying off, any ideas?

    Thank you, I will give that a shot.
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