Recent content by cmgamble

  1. cmgamble


    I am using this dust free bedding that is a "healthy alternative to wood shavings". It looks like crumbled up soft cardboard. The chickens are pecking at it and it looks like they are eathing it, can i use it and are they eating it or just pecking at it. Its called Cozy Comfort Super Soft...
  2. cmgamble

    What's wrong with this chicks leg?

    Please click the link to view the video. What should I do?
  3. cmgamble

    My babies are hatching, my babies are hatching!

    I have 18 babies. One is pipped and the rest and the remaining eggs aren't doing anything. Wish me luck on my remaining eggs.
  4. cmgamble

    My babies are hatching, my babies are hatching!

    my first babies hatched this morning around 5 or 6. Should I take them out or leave them in the bator for awhile. I have quite a few eggs with pips and dont want to endanger the rest of the hatch!
  5. cmgamble

    My babies are hatching, my babies are hatching!

    Oh ok, I do know that some people ship chicks don't they? I just would never be able to do it, I would be so nervous. Thanks for wishing me luck. I will post photos soon.
  6. cmgamble

    My babies are hatching, my babies are hatching!

    one more baby just hatched. i am in Accokeek, MD. I am not comfortable shipping them.
  7. cmgamble

    My babies are hatching, my babies are hatching!

    I have 25 eggs due to hatch today. So far 3 have hatched and as far as I can tell 5 have pipped. This is my second time hatching eggs. I have a four year old son so its a yearly tradition for us and this is our second year. I give the chick to a local farm once they hatch. How hard is...
  8. cmgamble

    Weather Problems Power Outage

    Thank you all so much, my other eggs are moving and the one that has pipped is moving as well. The three that have hatched are doing fine. How do I post pictures?
  9. cmgamble

    Weather Problems Power Outage

    Today is day 21 I have some eggs that have pipped and three that have hatched. The power was out for about 3 hours last night. I wasn't home so not sure what the temperature dropped to. The three hatched while the power was out and seem to be doing fine, I am concerned about the ones that...
  10. cmgamble

    28 Eggs Hatching This Friday! : ) *Update* 20 Hatched So Far!!!

    I have eggs hatching this Friday too. That makes today day 19. I want to see a pip or hear a peep or something. LOL. Why can't they just do what I want when I want them too?
  11. cmgamble

    Eggs in incubator hatching at different times. Questions???

    I have a hova bator circulated airflow styrofoam bator.
  12. cmgamble

    Eggs in incubator hatching at different times. Questions???

    I tend to lean towards not turning any of them for a few days. What say you?
  13. cmgamble

    Eggs in incubator hatching at different times. Questions???

    Hi I know it wasn't the ideal situation, however, I thought the eggs should arrive at the same time. I set some eggs on Friday and then some the following Wednesday. Here is the problem, the first setting is due to hatch this Friday so today is the last day for turning, however; the others...
  14. cmgamble

    Nice Barred Rock Hatching Eggs:

    Do you have any eggs available to arrive on April 4th. My zip code is 20607.
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