Recent content by ColoradoPip

  1. ColoradoPip

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Well, it appears one of my posts was removed for being "political". Is that because I said the govt is bumbling idiots not evil genuis? Only remotely political thing I remember saying. That's absurd. I'm out of this area of BYC, I'll stick with impersonal bs in the other forums. Enjoy it...
  2. ColoradoPip

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    There are some people who should be placed in one of these regardless of the outcome of this situation! :D :D :D
  3. ColoradoPip

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    It actually is, indirectly. If we all die then the rich people lose everything too :D If things plunge into complete anarchy they lose too. If they thought they could afford the loss of 20% of us, they wouldn't think twice about letting the virus run its' course. Problem is, I'm not sure they...
  4. ColoradoPip

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Meeeeeeeeee too! Aaaaaaaaaaaamen. It's not been easy at times. Unfortunately I also have several other major stress points I cannot seem to resolve which add to all of this. I do not know where I would be without my animals. I remember that, spend time with them, and thank them daily. Even if...
  5. ColoradoPip


    That is my understanding as well. The other post said "vaccinations", I read that as saying all vaccinations, which is why I asked for links or info.
  6. ColoradoPip

    Where does everyone purchase their sand

    If you call a sand or gravel place and ask for construction sand, I think, you should get the right stuff. What you want is not gravel but definitely not as fine as play or beach sand.
  7. ColoradoPip

    What is the SOP for Black Maran

    I have feathered legged cuckoos. :) For the SOP, you should start reading here: and here:
  8. ColoradoPip


    Are you sure about this? Could you please provide links or information to support this? IIRC, medicated feed helps suppress coccidosis so the chicks can become immune to it but would have no impact on any other disease/sickness/bacteria/etc. At least that's what I've read. I did not get any...
  9. ColoradoPip

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Oh. My. God. Can you say PERFECT typecasting?!?!?! Nicolas Cage as Joe Exotic!!!!
  10. ColoradoPip

    Where does everyone purchase their sand

    It worked extremely well for me when I had a small enclosed run (~2'x5') filled with ~4" of sand. I would use a kitty litter scoop once a week or two and clean it out. The once per year to 1.5 years I would change the entire thing out and replace the sand. I loved it. I've moved on from that...
  11. ColoradoPip

    Where does everyone purchase their sand

    Lowes here has Paver Sand which does not contain crystalline silica. Home depot does not. You might want to check what brand(s) your local stores carry and check the ingredients online :) Here is what I have used:
  12. ColoradoPip

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    I completely agree! Many variables. Here they shut the large meat processor (JBS Plant) for only a week, I expect minimal disruption from such short closures. I have held off getting a couple of pigs for the exact reason you state. I don't want to risk having to slaughter it myself, which I...
  13. ColoradoPip

    Do they need light at night

    No, they do not need any light at night.
  14. ColoradoPip

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    True, your point is valid given that example. That's why I say it appears localized. In the current situation, I think a majority of perceived shortages are caused by localized supply chain interruptions, not actual supply shortages. The supply is still there, stockpiles will get depleted...
  15. ColoradoPip

    Area Layout - Feedback?

    I am not educated enough in bird vision to answer this :) I use black because it's least expensive and readily available. I started with some inexpensive Bird-X from Ace Hardware (~$20 for 14' x 45') and it works well but has tiny openings and does tear pretty easily, since it's such a tight...
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