Recent content by Companihen

  1. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    First time on real grass today. And the big hens came and had a peek at them but the big hens act terrified and go and run in the bushes making a racket when they see them. Only some meal worms could tempt them close!!
  2. C

    Copper maran losing feathers

    I've never noticed anyone plucking near her head... tail occasionally. Sorry not sure why photos didn't post with my original question.
  3. C

    Copper maran losing feathers

    Yes ok.... it just seems like a receding feather line as it's spreading down her neck now. Used to just be a tiny patch on her her head
  4. C

    Copper maran losing feathers

    And also is there anything I can do to help these sisters combs stop falling all over their eyes.... they get worse in warmer weather but it must really limit their vision! One hen has it slightly worse than the other hen.
  5. C

    Copper maran losing feathers

    Does anyone know why my copper maran hen looks like this? She is approximately 3 years old. She is not at the bottom of the pecking order. I have 3 copper marans about 3yo, 2 cream legbars coming up 2 yo and a lavender aracuna bantam who is 5yo... she is the top of the pecking order although...
  6. C

    Copper maran losing feathers

    Does anyone know why my copper maran hen looks like this? She is approximately 3 years old. She is not at the bottom of the pecking order. I have 3 copper marans about 3yo, 2 cream legbars coming up 2 yo and a lavender aracuna bantam who is 5yo... she is the top of the pecking order although...
  7. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Sure my chicks are going to come to physical harm with the rate they're zooming round this new box.... acting like bumper cars 🚗 🙄
  8. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Eek yes she doesn't look happy to have you peeping.... and could well be more chicks coming soon. Fun but busy. I'd love to keep more but have to accept my limits!! We're definitely no homestead here and don't have the acres I dream off 😄😄😴 I still have the whole integration of my new little...
  9. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    My most beautiful chicks...and the dark grey is looking hopeful to be a frizzle... I would love at least 2 frizzle hens 🤞🤞
  10. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    The new big box... also the chicks like resting on their heat lamp now too
  11. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Yes I've just moved mine to a new set up this evening... pictures tmw. 2 big boxes joined together. They were so frightened at first and I had to guide them ack to the heat lamp. Seem to be ok now 😴 peep peep. Hope that cut on the wing recovers 🤞 I have one chick that's very shy, stays...
  12. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    So so nice. I'll update with some wing feather comparison photos sometime. I do have a few different breeds though so will need to consider that in this little theory
  13. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Ah ok, that is really interesting, I definitely have some faster feathering ones than others. I'll take stock of this on them and watch how they progress. Of course at just a week in it really doesn't matter... and I'll know I'll have and enjoy them all for lots of months yet. Just long term...
  14. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Added a little perch and a clump of grass for enrichment today. After much squeaking and squawking they begun to investigate ♥️🐥🐤
  15. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Why do you suspect they're males? How can you tell at this stage? I'm desperate to know what I have in my little bunch of 12... but really don't know! Be free to take a guess from my pics
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