Recent content by CoolKids

  1. CoolKids

    Beard or no beard?

    They're all so very cute!!
  2. CoolKids

    Ended 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Guess When BYC Will Hit 26 Million Messages!

    I would like to change my guess to 4/5/2023 at 5:00 AM please. Thank you.😎
  3. CoolKids

    Cursed Waters Art Thread

    Nice work.
  4. CoolKids

    Arizona Chickens

    That had to be heartbreaking. 😔
  5. CoolKids

    Arizona Chickens

  6. CoolKids

    Arizona Chickens

    Here's a couple of pictures
  7. CoolKids

    Arizona Chickens

    My 3 dogs wouldn't be happy with me adding a chicken to the household. They'd want to kill it.
  8. CoolKids

    First Post - I live in Arizona

    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to start shopping for misters and a kiddie pool.😊
  9. CoolKids

    Arizona Chickens

    I looked up Naked Neck Turken chicken breed and I think the 2 red chickens without feathers on their necks are that breed. I read that one of their traits is 'escape artist' and one of them is an escape artist for sure. She can't escape now that they have a proper coop but before they had the...
  10. CoolKids

    First Post - I live in Arizona

    I live in Cottonwood. It's about 16 miles south of Sedona and just down the mountain from Jerome. I'd be surprised if you didn't know where those are. I love it here.
  11. CoolKids

    Arizona Chickens

    Now that's a good question. I'm not sure because I'm not familiar enough with all the different breeds. I had no idea that there's a breed that has naked necks. LOL! One of them has feathers that have grown back in at the base of her neck. I'll have to look up on the internet about the Naked...
  12. CoolKids

    First Post - I live in Arizona

    Where in Arizona?
  13. CoolKids

    Arizona Chickens

    They don't want any more. I'd love to have a pet chicken but I have 3 dogs that wouldn't be very happy with me getting a chicken. I really love and enjoy my next-door neighbor's chickens and rooster. I get to enjoy them without doing all the work. I have fibromyalgia and it would be too much for...
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