Recent content by Coop de Grass

  1. Coop de Grass

    Comment by 'Coop de Grass' in article 'Heated nesting boxes help stop frozen eggs!'

    I'm wondering if the mats crack over time when bent up at the back? My nest boxes are 16"x16" and 3 in a row... I would have to wrap it up the sides of the outer boxes and up the back of all 3. Words of wisdom would be appreciated! Do individual 10 x 20 mats becomes too expensive since I have 2...
  2. Coop de Grass

    New baby!

    How lovely! Congrats!!! :jumpy:love
  3. Coop de Grass

    Breeds with Shiny Eggs?

    I have a mixed flock including Wheaten Marans, Quail Brabanconne, Sulmtaler, Cream Crested Legbars, Easter Eggers, Buff Orpington, Australopr-Marans mix. They all get the same fermented organic feed. Only 1 lays a shiny egg. It is 1 of the 2 Sulmtalers that I hatched in the spring. Not sure...
  4. Coop de Grass

    Cream legbar green eggs? Why not blue?

    I am having a similar problem with my current flock. I've ordered hatching eggs and the egss that I've received have all been a pale greenish blue, more mint green than anything else. In my previous flocks (which were sold for different reasons) I had Cream crested legbars from hatching eggs...
  5. Coop de Grass

    ISO Hedemoras in VA

    I haven't gotten a response from them either!
  6. Coop de Grass

    Hedemora chicks

    I am considering hatching some. I am in Central Jersey.
  7. Coop de Grass

    Swedish Hedemora! (Yes, I know they’re still too young haha)

    I have Hedmora eggs in the incubator! I got 3 from Greenfire Farms through an ebay auction. I'd never heard of them before but I think that I may become obsessed!!! Yours are so beautiful. Please keep posting photos. I am in love with Justice! :love
  8. Coop de Grass

    How many chickens.............

    You might want to calculate how much you will be able to sell those extra eggs for. That would depend on what you feed them - organic or not, etc... Not sure what "good" eggs are going for in FL, but you may want to check that out. And in pricing your eggs don't forget that your flock will...
  9. Coop de Grass

    Looking for beautiful Breeds

    Hedemoras are my new favorite. Swedish land race, with a furry undercoatand a smaller tan egg! Also, Sulmtalers which are heavier and lay a cream/white egg. This is the first year that I've ever had white eggs in my flock, and although I love those Sulmtaler's I'm not sure that I will keep them...
  10. Coop de Grass


    Your cat is saying "What you talkin about Willis???"
  11. Coop de Grass

    Our Very 1st Egg!!!

    :wee:wee:wee Congratulations!!! I still get excited and this is my third flock! It never gets old seeing those first eggs.
  12. Coop de Grass

    Muddy Chicken Runs.

    Whatever you do PLEEEASES do not use straw in a muddy run. I did that and since I scatter scratch for the flock, they were ingesting it. I ended up with nearly impacted crops and was lucky to save them.
  13. Coop de Grass

    I wanted to know how much a person has felt when they lost a pet chicken in their arms I'm having her cremated and I can't seem to get over her death.

    You are not alone! :hugs I am very sorry that you lost your wonderful hen. It doesn't matter how it happens tho some ways are harder than others, but losing those feathered friends leave holes in the lives of the people who have connected with them. I brought home 9 day old chicks in 2015... I...
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