Recent content by Coopshaus

  1. Coopshaus

    Midnight Majesty Marans

    My two have completely different faces. One is lighter and one has black cheeks/beak. In these photos they are about 9 weeks old.
  2. Coopshaus

    New and getting 6 week old hens

    I believe our standards are similar here. I’m not looking to certify my eggs, as I’m not legally supposed to distribute any eggs. They will be for close friends and family only. My immediate neighbours may get an occasional basket as well so that they are happy. I personally like to choose...
  3. Coopshaus

    Hi! I'm new!

    Welcome to BYC! I've been on here for a while, but I am new as well. I get my first 6 week old chicks April 27th. 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Midnight Majesty Marans. It was a hard debate and I still would someday like to get a couple Lavender Orps.
  4. Coopshaus

    New and getting 6 week old hens

    I have my coop and am currently working on finishing my run. I have purchased 6 week old chicks and I will get my two Plymouth Barred Rock and two Midnight Majesty Marans at the end of April. It's exciting thinking that my chicks are now hatched. I purchased started birds to avoid getting any...
  5. Coopshaus

    My Young Mixed Flock

    How are your MMMs & Barred rock getting along? They are two of the breeds I'm considering as well as lavender orps.
  6. Coopshaus

    New Member

    Thank you.
  7. Coopshaus

    New Member

    Hi, I’ve just joined backyard chickens. I currently don’t have any chickens, but I’m starting to build my coop and run. I have taken the steps to purchase 5-6 week old chicks for May of 2021. I must buy a minimum of 6 with a minimum of 3 for each breed from my local feed store. I have decided...
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