Recent content by cornishman

  1. cornishman


    ALABAMA??? I have been gone for awhile and just PIP in every once in awhile to see what's going on!!! Cornishman!!!
  2. cornishman

    Ayam Cemani

    I am looking for some of them Ayam Cemani chickens but don't want any smuggled eggs or birds. Some folks have them leagaly, I'm sure. Cornishman.
  3. cornishman

    Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

    YOUNS have jus barly skimmed da surface!!! I'm from ALYBAMY!!! WAY DOWN HER IN DA HEART♥OF DIXIE!!! Jeff Foxworthy ain't got narry a clue as ta whut a REDNECK IS!!! Hey Jeffy, let me give ye som new materal: "CUSTOM" yeah, dey ticked me off and I CUSSED 'EM everyone!!! Now 'OL LARRY...DARS A...
  4. cornishman

    What will this grow into?

    TIS an Americana...muff...and the right colored legs.
  5. cornishman

    Should I trade chickens for a MULE?????

    ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Unless you are going to sell it for more money than the cheekens are worth!!! Cornishman is back!!!
  6. cornishman

    Feed Question

    mix it with other feeds and sell the extra that you dont need and or trade it for other birds
  7. cornishman

    Anybody ever feel bad when getting rid of a predator?

    no... it is up to me to look out for my chickens!
  8. cornishman

    What is your chickens favorite treat?

    i grow tomatoes for my chickens...they eat the leaves and the tomatoes!
  9. cornishman

    Keeping Ravens Away?

    fix da holes or use betta wire to fix da gotta keep dem crittas out...right?
  10. cornishman

    Coop Help Needed

    i use landscape timbers for posts and tin all the way around the bottom sunk in the ground about a foot a threshhold made of timber and tin on the bottom of the door 1x2inch wire stapled to 2x4s with a tin roof...nothing can get your chickens this way you will not be sorry if you do it this way!
  11. cornishman

    Dust bath ingredients and set-up?

    they will make thier own dust bowl:D
  12. cornishman

    What color Ameraucana do you like best?

    no matter what color you breed...they will come all different colors and combos of colors too. cornishman
  13. cornishman

    6 days overdue now what?

    6 days is way too long...i know we all want the little peeps but they ain't gonna hatch if they are 6 days overdue. take out all the eggs and start all over again. some of my hatches this year ain't been's still a little early so don't give up. 2 days is the longest that i wait if...
  14. cornishman

    culling your flock by cornishman

    thanks for all of ya'll's replies. i know that it's hard to let go of some of your best chickens that you get attatched to as i said before. it's just something that has to be done sometimes. only the strong survive as you have heard before. what i'm trying to say is nature has a way of making...
  15. cornishman

    culling your flock by cornishman

    well i have read lots of posts on here about different things wrong with people's chickens and different ways to help and have thrown in my 2 cents worth here and there and i hope that i have helped a few people out in some form or fashion. everybody knows me on here as cornishman and i just...
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