Recent content by coryandangela06

  1. coryandangela06

    What are your rooster's names?

    Rudy he is the one in my avatar :)
  2. coryandangela06

    Flock Dilema

    I just put 6 chicks (3 bsl and 3 isas) in with my 3 older isas and there adjusting not the greatest but it has been a week and none are hurt and all alive :) but the older ones are not found of the little ones. They free range when im home but the little's still stay in. Hopefully you can figure...
  3. coryandangela06

    Rooster over mating my One hen??

    That's sad donrae, Hopefully mine will get a reality check but if I need to I will rehome or the dreaded cull.. Thanks for the info
  4. coryandangela06

    Rooster over mating my One hen??

    Yes he is a mix really pretty though... We were told Isa brown. But his tail feathers are all Green and a huge comb and waddle. I don't have breeding goals we just wanted hens and we got him in the bunch.. Now that we have had for a year and raised him we hate to just ship him off. And thanks to...
  5. coryandangela06

    Rooster over mating my One hen??

    Yes he turned 1 in April. My avatar is him last July ... I really don't want to Kill him :( I will rehome if I have to.... We have our Chickens strictly for Egg purposes.. Thanks for the info I hope he gets better..
  6. coryandangela06

    Rooster over mating my One hen??

    Help I have a RIR or Red sex link (not sure) he is big and Red with a greenish tail... Anyway I have him and 4 hens they are all 1 year old... I have 6 more Babies that are close to going in the coop as well. My Rooster will stalk out and find one hen and mate all day with her. She is separated...
  7. coryandangela06

    Male Duck Mating with Chicken Hens

    We had the same prob just a week ago. Our drake was trying to mate with the chickens also and very mean to them. We gave him away and the female duck since she was raised with the hens and rooster also is doing fine on her own the rooster is very proud to have her with his flock also. i watched...
  8. coryandangela06

    Male Pekin duck attacking my Chickens Help what to do ??

    Yep I did and thank you for your help i didnt know what to do. I really like this website so much info and good info from people who own them :) I gave my hens a speech last nite i said you better lay me an egg if you happy now. And she did couldnt belive it. although that is only our 2nd so far...
  9. coryandangela06

    Male Pekin duck attacking my Chickens Help what to do ??

    well we sent him to a good farm not too far from us with a big pond and lots for him to do. Was Sad but the chickens, rooster and female duck are doing great did not take them long to get out of the coop. Felt like a sap when i gave him away but they said he is doing great there too. :)
  10. coryandangela06

    Male Pekin duck attacking my Chickens Help what to do ??

    Thank you so much we really enjoy them all but its so sad :( but im glad to hear she will prob be ok with them. Now im off to find a good home for him. He is great with people so thats a plus
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