Recent content by cow bay rooster

  1. cow bay rooster

    Large Fowl White Cornish Roosters or Hens?

    So it looks like I have 4 cockerels and 2 pullets was hoping it would have been the other way around but at least I have two hens and probably keep my two best roosters until they mature a bit more and see who makes the trio.
  2. cow bay rooster

    Large Fowl White Cornish Roosters or Hens?

    Thanks for the replies everyone! I've only had chickens now for a little over 7 months and had to google saddle feathers to see what you were referring too lol. This will definitely help me from here on in to tell the difference. Right now I'm concentrating on raising Standard White Cornish...
  3. cow bay rooster

    Large Fowl White Cornish Roosters or Hens?

    the chicken in the middle and left of the first picture I"m pretty sure they are rooster with the curved tails and redder faces
  4. cow bay rooster

    Large Fowl White Cornish Roosters or Hens?

    OK I have 6 Standard Cornish and I'm trying to determine how many hens I have as the plan is to keep all the hens and 1 or 2 roosters to breed them. They are 18 1/2 weeks old, the first one is a rooster I"m trying to figure out if pictures 2-4 are hens.
  5. Large Fowl White Cornish

    Large Fowl White Cornish

    My try at raising at breeding Large Fowl white Cornish.
  6. cow bay rooster

    White Cornish Standards

    Here is a couple of pictures at 12 weeks! Will post some more recent as I need to determine if they are hens or rooster!
  7. My 6 Cornish mixed in with some mix breed egg layers.

    My 6 Cornish mixed in with some mix breed egg layers.

  8. Large fowl White Cornish at 12 weeks of age.

    Large fowl White Cornish at 12 weeks of age.

  9. cow bay rooster

    Incubating eggs for the first time.

    The eggs should in theory hatch 21 days after you place them in the incubator shouldn't matter when the chickens laid them as they don't start to develop until put into incubation. I would stop rotating around day 18-19
  10. cow bay rooster

    White Cornish Standards

    Here is another picture of my chicks at 8 weeks old, they are starting to fill out already
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