Recent content by cowcreekgeek

  1. cowcreekgeek

    Can an old foot injury make your chicken more prone to frost bite? (Photos)

    Agreed, in regard to the toe's condition ... seems to be improving, and the weather's of greatest concern. I wonder if draping a car cover over the coop would help buffer some of the cold w/o retaining too much moisture? It's one heck of a hard situation to figure ...
  2. cowcreekgeek

    DIY HUMANE way to Kill Slaughter Chicken (Stun-kill, Gas)

    That's more of the same erroneous result, as mankind attempts to be 'humane' in preventing animals from suffering w/o first being properly informed that their responses to stimuli aren't the same as humans might expect. If it *sounds* like somethin' that'd be painful to us? They ban it...
  3. cowcreekgeek

    Very ill chicken. What do I do??

    She appears to not only carry her tail/head down ... she looks to be a bit distended in her abdomen. When you pick her up, compared to others of the same breed, you'll likely notice she's got a bit more in her gut than the rest. Could just be the feathers, but I'm guessin' she's carryin' a a...
  4. cowcreekgeek

    Very ill chicken. What do I do??

    I hate to be the pessimist, as I don't tend to htink that way ... but, there's no advantage to seeking medical attention, as there's nothing that they can do to actually cure her condition: No matter which underlying cause, I'm afraid the eventual result is almost always the same. I'm really...
  5. cowcreekgeek

    DIY HUMANE way to Kill Slaughter Chicken (Stun-kill, Gas)

    I tend to dig far more deeply than most folks can stand, and even I hate rereading some of my own posts, such as the one that absolutely proves that the above opinions are correct, and that there is clinical evidence that animals/poultry slaughtered in this manner suffer the least, as...
  6. cowcreekgeek

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Quote:Originally Posted by wingless Hey everybody - The USDA is doing a census of farming operations across the country of ALL sizes. This is extremely easy, and is a great way to let the USDA know that small farming operations are strong and growing in Michigan. Link is here...
  7. cowcreekgeek

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    The opinion of the Court is that 1) and 2) is to be interpreted as an *or* and they provided the legal precedent req'd to have any case based upon *and* dismissed. Of greater concern, in the wider scope of all this, is that municipalities have no legal right to have private arrangements w/...
  8. cowcreekgeek

    Has anyone ever tried to do surgery on a chicken that is internally laying? WARNING ( semi graphic p

    (because one 'thumb's up' wasn't enough ~'-) I tend to over-complicate everything, and was cookin' up recipes to chemically address the concerns. But, we use extra light to extend laying (should be in the mornings, so as to not interfere w/ a naturally darkening bedtime ~'-) Brilliantly...
  9. cowcreekgeek

    Can an old foot injury make your chicken more prone to frost bite? (Photos)

    The claw might grow in over time, but it might be indicative of severe damage to the inside of this digit, which might need to be removed at some point. Again? Just somethin' to look into, just in case it's req'd (you wanna be ahead in your studies of the issues that might arise )-;~ photo...
  10. cowcreekgeek

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    You're still lookin' at this in the 'all in, all out' way ... yes, when flock-wide contaminations first occur? It's a good plan. But, in regard to this ... it's just a matter of eliminating the most severely impacted birds, as you're never gonna be fully free of the virus -- it's in the wild...
  11. cowcreekgeek

    Deworming experience from start to finish.

    Not instended to be a pretty post ... more as a work product ~'-) Notice this WARNING first: This is in no manner intended to be a definitive or comprehensive listing, but merely a work product for those interested in natural anthelmintics 'n such, and the uses contained herein are for swine...
  12. cowcreekgeek

    Can an old foot injury make your chicken more prone to frost bite? (Photos)

    You're gonna find gettin' him reaccustomed to the cold will be a bit of a problem, but ... you're right ... gettin' him past this is the main concern. I do think I'd find him a less warm place -- maybe even movin' him to a garage, or under the house at night? Here's an article, in the...
  13. cowcreekgeek

    Has anyone ever tried to do surgery on a chicken that is internally laying? WARNING ( semi graphic p

    Good to hear she's back w/ the flock ... on the weight gain? Be sure 'n watch out that it's not ascites forming w/in the abdominal cavity, or another one of those ... eggtatoes. Not on here as much, but will continue checkin' in on her/you ~'-)
  14. cowcreekgeek

    Deworming experience from start to finish.

    Well ... I woulda said 'moderation' but, when req'd? They tend to show too little of that, although I think it's mostly that they delete, rather than modify, posts they choose to remove, and thereby eliminate all posts that are connected to the thread by the 'offending' one(s), sorta like...
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