Recent content by Cowgrl4life

  1. Cowgrl4life

    WTB- Quail Rails

    Looking to buy quail rails for a little giant egg turner. Looking for cheap/used. Can buy new on Ebay around $22, so would prefer spending $10-15
  2. Cowgrl4life

    ISO- Button Quail Hatching Eggs

    Looking for button quail hatching eggs. Specifically blue breasted, but looking for others as well. Hoping to find eggs from same-color pairs.
  3. Cowgrl4life

    ISO- button quail hatching eggs

    My apologies. Posted this on my phone and thought I was posting to the for sale forums
  4. Cowgrl4life

    ISO- button quail hatching eggs

    Looking for button quail hatching eggs. Specifically blue breasted, but looking for others as well. Hoping to find eggs from same-color pairs.
  5. Cowgrl4life

    Looking for Button Quail eggs

    I'm looking to get into keeping button quail, and would like to acquire some hatching eggs to start my stock. I'm particularly interested in blue breasted, but am interested in others as well. I would prefer eggs from same color parents, but am open to other eggs as well.
  6. Cowgrl4life

    Blue Cochin

    I'm worried it is turning out to be a rooster, however when I picked it out I picked it because it looked more hen-like than the others ( at 7 weeks). I guess time will tell for certain.
  7. Cowgrl4life

    Blue Cochin

    Almost 8 weeks old. Standard size. Hen or roo?[br]
  8. Cowgrl4life

    Will turface hurt a chicken?

    I personally would not be worried about it, since turface is a inert material. Its basically just dried out or fired pieces of clay. In my mind not much different than eating dirt. If it had chemicals, fertilizers, etc in it I would be more worried.
  9. Cowgrl4life

    City Living- Hop the fence?

    I have Americauna, Barred Rock, Australorp, Buff Orpington, and a Standard Cochin
  10. Cowgrl4life

    City Living- Hop the fence?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. I'm putting up my coop in the backyard tonight, and moving everyone outside. I would love to be able to let them roam around and play in my backyard when I'm home, and not be in the small coop and run all the time. However, I live in the city...
  11. Cowgrl4life


    I know that the fine pine shavings are a no-no with the cornish cross, once you start withholding food. But is ALL wood shavings a no go? What about the pellets used sometimes in horse stalls? I'm raising my first batch, and its not going so well. First there was an incident with the setup of...
  12. Cowgrl4life


    I'm not quite sure who will be "taking care" of them for me, but it looks like I'm going to go ahead and give this a shot. A friend of my parents used to do this when he was younger, and might be willing to teach my Dad. Hoping to go that route as it would be free. If not, I think I've found...
  13. Cowgrl4life

    Back in the "coop"!

    Well, places here have been selling out before I can get there after work all week this week. I called feldmans today knowing they had a shipment coming in. They had the breeds I wanted, so I practically begged them to let me pay by phone and pick up after work. They let me! So tonight, I'm...
  14. Cowgrl4life

    Insulated Coops?

    I'm dreaming up ways to build my "chicken palace" later this year and am wondering if anyone has ever thought of this, or if anyone has input on if it would even work. I live where we have pretty hot summer, and often very cold winters. I've lost chickens to heat before, and had chickens get...
  15. Cowgrl4life


    I don't know that I know anyone who would be willing to do it either. I think my only hope would be some sort of butcher
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