Recent content by Crc14

  1. Crc14

    Hen or roo?

    I stand corrected haha
  2. Crc14

    Hen or roo?

  3. Crc14

    Hen or roo?

    One way you could tell is spread the wings and look at if they're longer and pointy or shorter and rounded. Then look up age wing differences for male and female chicks. I think the females have the longer wings if I remember correctly
  4. Crc14

    I want a good layer like sexlinks but...

    I have Buff Orps, Ameracuanas(both Easter and regular) RIs, white leghorns(one who just loves being held and pet and one who just wants left alone), a black australorp and a few RI/AM mixes, a RI/Buff mix, and a cuckoo French Maran all of them are decent to excellent layers, the buffs have an...
  5. Crc14

    Comment by 'Crc14' in item 'Ancona'

    Fun fact, the females are actually the dominants in the Ancona flock! :) I have several and my oldest girl runs the whole flock including my rouens, Cayuga, blue swed, and calls!
  6. Crc14

    Chick business(Hatchery)

    Right now i have my chickens on three acres, I have buff orps, leg horns, two breeds of Ameracuana, black australorps, Rhode Island Reds, and cuckoo French marans. I do currently have them mixed but I would separate them out, I wouldn't sell mix breeds as this or that breed. I have Rouen, call...
  7. Crc14

    Chick business(Hatchery)

    Hi everyone! I'm very interested in starting up a small Hatchery business! I have ducks and chickens and am in a very good area to be able to branch out to local farming stores as potential customers, as well as being in a large farming community. I was wondering about potential starts, things...
  8. Crc14

    The Duck Thread

    They look like black Swedish and Cayuga to me, possible mixes with that many different breeds free roaming, how many drakes does she have and what breeds? That will help you limit daddy and breed
  9. Crc14

    The Duck Thread

    I had the same thing happen here in Iowa. Bought my baby ducks and chicks from cackle and have lost all of them except for one :( so I had to go get her a friend so she isn't alone until this next week Thursday. Cackle is replacing mine as well, they were pretty understanding. Still hurt to lose...
  10. Crc14

    IA here

    Buffs are great layers and if you do it right very friendly as well. Their eggs are generally a light brown to coral color. If you want a variety of eggs look into Amuaricanas, there's Easter Eggers which lay browns, blues, pinks, and greens. I just ordered some French Black Copper Marans which...
  11. Crc14

    Duck and chicken eggs

    This thread is to help distinguish between a duck and chicken egg. A duck egg will be more yellow on the inside, the two eggs I am using for comparison are a Blue Swedish duck egg and an Easter Egger Amuaricana egg. Both are the same color blue. The duck egg is on top, the chicken on bottom...
  12. Crc14

    IA here

    I have four roosters and four Rouen Drakes for sale if anyone is interested please pm me. No females.
  13. Crc14

    Sexing Ducklings (Please check here first :D )

    If it's yellow it's probably a pekin, it's harder to sex at a week though not impossible, I have a difficult time with it, typically you want to sex within the first three days which are the easiest as I've found out. Otherwise you'll have to wait until its older and maybe see a tail curl and...
  14. Crc14

    IA here

    I have a general good experience with hoovers, our chicks and ducklings have always arrived happy and healthy
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