Recent content by cream puff

  1. cream puff

    What predator leaves a pile of feathers?

    Cats definitely
  2. cream puff

    fighting raccoons

    It’s been along time but if anyone remembers this thread I have an update. 1. We moved. 2 I haven’t lost one chicken to raccoons or anything else in 5 years. We have a 10 foot wooden fence and a concrete floor coop. I did find a neighborhood chihuahua chewing on one of my chickens but I rescued...
  3. cream puff

    What are your five favorite breeds and why

    1. Naked Necks - they are funny looking 2. Australorps - docile, friendly, good layers 3. Salmon Faverole - best rooster I ever had 4. New Hampshires - too heavy for a hawk to carry away - nice birds 5. Silkies - delicious (just kidding) they're all good layers - except the Silkies
  4. cream puff

    Large Fowl Silkies?

    what breed could you cross a silkie with to get large offspring?
  5. cream puff

    that was my bottle lamb, he thought he was a chicken :)

    that was my bottle lamb, he thought he was a chicken :)
  6. cream puff

    looking for poultry

    @KDMdesigns can you pm me with details?
  7. cream puff

    looking for poultry

    I wonder if there is anyone making an order that I can go in on with them... I don't have the space for a minimum of 25 order but if someone else was making an order from a hatchery maybe I could buy a few from that order? We are quite new here and I don't know anyone else who has chickens...
  8. cream puff

    looking for poultry

    I'm in Garland, my yard is big enough for 2 to 5. And the coop is almost finished, last bit of screen going up and sand for the floor.
  9. cream puff

    looking for poultry

    I'm in Texas, and the backyard is empty, if someone has poultry, ducks or chickens etc to rehome let me know - I take in strays. I don't think I can have roosters in this area tho :(
  10. cream puff

    fighting raccoons

    I have to amend my comments on my coop. One night I found the racoon on the roof of my 8 foot coop. :he I think the only answer for raccoons is seal your coop. If the coop hadn't been sealed the raccoon would have gotten a head off one of the chickens, the opening without the mesh wire is big...
  11. cream puff

    What am I?

    I have an olive egger that is a New Hampshire crossed with a mixed rooster (AmercaunaXAustralorp). She is yellow with blue legs and lays army green eggs.
  12. cream puff

    Silkie sexing!

  13. cream puff

    Cold climate coop designs

    we are looking to move to the Yukon, near your neck of the woods. Any advice? How are things going so far?
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