Recent content by Crystal K

  1. Crystal K

    Hawk-proof Netting

    I was thinking of adding some netting above my duck yard that is fenced around with a natural duck pond. I would like my ducks to only go out there unsupervised from time to time BUT it only takes a second for them to be attacked by a hawk. Would you recommend bird netting and if so what...
  2. Crystal K

    Bird Netting over Run

    What product did you purchase? I order some netting but I think I am going to send it back. It was so flimsy and the thread was so so thin almost like thread I would use to do mend my clothes. I wondering if there are thicker threads out there? Better products?
  3. Crystal K

    Just Two Ducks

    Thank You!
  4. Crystal K

    Just Two Ducks

    Hope not that would be terrible
  5. Crystal K

    Just Two Ducks

    Thank You I was worried about that.
  6. Crystal K

    Just Two Ducks

    I own two ducks, 1 female and 1male. We wanted only two when we bought them and they didn’t know the sex as they were babies. They are just about six months old now. They really love each other. Should I be concerned of only having one female and one drake? Do you have any suggestions, comments...
  7. Crystal K

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    My ducks LOVE watermelon it’s their absolute favorite! I cut it up in little cubes.
  8. Crystal K

    Eggs Advice

    Yes that’s what I figured they were doing just curious how possessive she would be over her first egg… I love them very much and worry that she will be not trusting of me once I take it away.
  9. Crystal K

    Eggs Advice

    Thank you!
  10. Crystal K

    Eggs Advice

    He’s been being very touchy with her and pecking her and she had been grunting and going low to the ground and he gets on top of her, etc..,
  11. Crystal K

    Eggs Advice

    oh, I am afraid she’ll be possessive of them and won’t want me to take them.
  12. Crystal K

    Eggs Advice

    I have a male (brown) and female (white) ducks. See pictures attached. They are young, born on the 1st of September. The female has not laid any eggs yet but I can tell by they they are acting, they are mating and it’s going to be very soon. I know I am going to have a very hard time taking the...
  13. Crystal K

    Duck Food

    What do you feed your ducks? Do you leave food out all day or do you schedule it?
  14. Crystal K

    Ducks - Pool Time in the Winter

    Hi! (Note I live in Massachusetts - the past couple of days have been in the low 30s and in the 20’s at night)) My ducks absolutely LOVE their pool. I am able to keep it from freezing with a heater at night when needed BUT never during the day to keep them safe). I read this article that says...
  15. Crystal K

    Duck swollen eye

    I spend a lot of time off and on with them today. When I went out there the 2nd time the puffiness seemed to go way down to almost nothing. It’s still there a little and stayed that way for the rest of the day. Very strange. I’ll keep you posted.
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