Recent content by Csmitty

  1. Csmitty

    Possible vent gleet?

    I will take more closer up and add them
  2. Csmitty

    Possible vent gleet?

    I think I fixed it to full size
  3. Csmitty

    Review by 'Csmitty' in article 'Vent Gleet aka Nasty Chicken Butt'

    Very informative, a play by play on what to do.
  4. Csmitty

    Possible vent gleet?

    Warning posting pictures. Two days ago one of my girls started limping, and I noticed the other chickens were starting to pick on her. I separated her from the others and put her in a dog crate to make sure she was protected. The first day I just noticed the limping, yesterday I picked her up...
  5. Csmitty

    Hello to all. My dad has had chickens for years, but is very old now and doesn't seem to interested in his flock, so I have taken over the flock

    I have 12 hens and one just in the past 2 days started limping, I watched the others start to bully so I moved her to a dog cage next to the run. She has a very wet vent and all her feathers are now missing from her chest, any thoughts on what this could be from? I'll attach pictures later today
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