Recent content by Cubbie861

  1. C

    My chicken escaped an attack and now has an open wound WHAT DO I DO?

    I cannot get any pictures right now as it is nighttime. Sun is down. There is almost no way she could've cut herself on the fence because there are no existing holes, and no way to scratch herself on the fences, We do not have a rooster. A hawk has swooped some of our other hens, but never made...
  2. C

    My chicken escaped an attack and now has an open wound WHAT DO I DO?

    So, today less than an hour ago, one of my 3 hens escaped an attack. We do have dogs, but they were not out at the time. Near the site of the attack, there was a small hole under the fence, barely large enough to fit my foot into. There were feathers EVERYWHERE, and when we went to put them back...
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