Recent content by czilas

  1. czilas

    Hen or Rooster you tell me?

    yep, a Roo!
  2. czilas

    from egg to pics of development

    I'm assuming that they killed a developing chick everyday to get those pictures????
  3. czilas

    Not allowed to eat them, so...

    I won't eat mine or their I know I'm odd, but so be it. You can keep as pets, use for eggs, sell eggs and hatch and sell chicks??? Or just sell if you feel the need to. I enjoy ours as pets and my husband LOVES their eggs.
  4. czilas

    What breed? And sex?

    Sunny looks like a pullet to me.
  5. czilas

    What are my buff japanese??

    Mandarin definitely looks like a roo to me.
  6. czilas

    A Question Out of Genuine Political Curiousity

    I agree with rooster red and citygirlinthecountry! I bet the none of the above button vote would win, now that is SAD!
  7. czilas

    Disaster w/ hatching - PLEASE HELP!

    That video was neat. Who sings that song? I love it.
  8. czilas

    How old before leaving kids "home alone"?

    Here is a website showing age limits listed by state:
  9. czilas

    11 weeks, 31 pounds, still has a ways to go to grow into those feet:

    Yes! Keep him growing slow, you are right. A lot of people don't realize that you need to do that with large breeds. He is soooo cute and my those feet are HUGE!!!
  10. czilas

    How old before leaving kids "home alone"?

    Okay this is getting ridiculous with peoples STRONG statements, you know who you are, and I think you need to RELAX! Everyone one is entitled to their own opinions and you do not need to be so dang harsh! Grow up. If your kids don't have cell phones and you don't believe in them then SIMPLY...
  11. czilas

    Favorite horse or pony breed?

    Freisian and Tennessee Walker
  12. czilas

    Any fellow Geocachers?

    I PM'ed you, but yes we do a lot of geocaching with the family and our boys absolutely love it and its a great way to find cool new places!
  13. czilas

    Need advice on ADD/ADHD

    I agree with grumpsgirl all the way!.... My son has ADHD and I was scared of having him being on meds because I didn't want him to be drugged and act as a different child. I also didn't want to be judged as a BAD parent because I can't control my child so I chose to drug him instead.... After...
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