Recent content by Czugi

  1. C

    Rhode Island Red help

    This gives me hope!! Lol thank you so much 😊
  2. C

    Rhode Island Red help

    Same dark color on the tail feathers 😅
  3. C

    Rhode Island Red help

    The tail is throwing me off too. I feel like it’s usually pretty obvious if it’s a hen or roo by now but this one is right in the middle.
  4. C

    Rhode Island Red help

    That would be awesome!!
  5. C

    Rhode Island Red help

    One other potential roo - it’s the same age as this RIR. If this one ends up as a roo it’s not the end of the world but I’m hoping for a hen!!
  6. C

    Rhode Island Red help

    Hi all! First time with this breed so I have nothing to compare to. Of course…purchased as a female but we all know how accurate that is. Lol S/he is about 10 weeks old. Slightly larger than the other chicks of the same age but again, it’s the only RIR so I dunno. No crowing, no typical little...
  7. C

    Large Earlobe Mass??

    8 month old sapphire gem. Started with a small swelling/mass on her earlobe. After two weeks it’s grown to size in pictures. Only last few days did she have any swelling on her face/around her eyes - started on same side and then moved to other eye two days later. Absolutely NO other symptoms...
  8. C

    What the what?

    That’s kinda what I was leaning towards also. Wonder if there are any other breeds with this basic coloring 🤔
  9. C

    What the what?

    This was to be a Lavendar Orpington pullet hahahah…not even close. Anyone have the slightest idea what breed this one may be? Not quite 3 months old. The legs don’t show well in the pics - they are a dark, slate grey with yellow undertone. S/he also has a few random spots of black in the...
  10. C

    Lav orp gender

    Awwww man. Way to rain on my parade 🤣
  11. C

    Lav orp gender

    I don’t think so! Still has the overly red comb compared to the other pullets but it seems as if it’s growth has slowed down some. And I’m not seeing any roo feathering coming in. 9 weeks old now.
  12. C

    *sigh* someone give me hope

    Ok, I’m holding out hope for a while longer!
  13. C

    *sigh* someone give me hope

    Ok, we can be friends. Lol
  14. C

    *sigh* someone give me hope

    I *just* took these so he/she is 5 weeks now. The original photo I posted is from last week.
  15. C

    *sigh* someone give me hope

    Yes, yes it does! 😅
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