Recent content by Daisy1702

  1. D

    One eye swollen

    Turns out she had cancer that was very aggressive. Rip mango we miss you
  2. D

    One eye swollen

    Keep an eye on her (sorry about the pun) cause i had a lorp whos eye went swollen and within weeks the whole side of her face swelled and she suffocated unfortunately 😢
  3. D

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Favorite Fair Memories

    Im sure american fairs are different to austalian fairs but anyway. My favourite memory is winning reserve champion at a show against 7 other ewes. It was my first show as my own stud, i stepped into the show ring after winnig first in my class and as the judge paced up and down the row of ewes...
  4. D

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    Thanks, yeah not very common in places besides Australia
  5. D

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    Entry 4: 2022 drop 0001 'Kai' DOB: 04/07/2022 He is a black and coloured corriedale owned by Olady Coloured Corriedales (an Australian stud)
  6. D

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    Entry 3: 2021 drop 2412 'Scooby' DOB: 31/07/2021 He is a holstein. He was raised as a bottle fed and will be used for breeding
  7. D

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    Entry 2: 2018 drop 0020 'Olive' DOB: 11/08/2018 She is a black and coloured corridale owned by Olady Coloured Corriedales (an Australian stud)
  8. D

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    Entry 1: 2017 drop 1702 'Caddy' DOB: 23/06/2017 She is a black and coloured corriedale owned by Olady Coloured Corriedales (an Australian stud)
  9. D

    Late hatching.

    Just be patient
  10. D

    Sheep/Lamb Showing

    Where in the world are you located
  11. D

    Lunp on her back

    Its started going red yesterday
  12. D

    Lunp on her back

    Yeah very heavily moulting, Since posting the recent photos the area has gone quite red
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