Recent content by danameisdana

  1. D

    Is there a name for this condition?

    Agreed on all points. She's definitely destined for the freezer if she makes it that far. I will humanely euthanize if it becomes a quality of life issue, but I'm hoping she will do ok through the summer so I can grow her up. Thank you for your input.
  2. D

    Is there a name for this condition?

    Same chick 5 days later (today).
  3. D

    Is there a name for this condition?

    It's not really swollen, the down is just so sparse on that side it appears swollen. No, she's not lame at all, hence the reason I didn't notice her toes at first. The feathers are coming in wrong on one side. They are either not there or just "twigs" with no barbs. It's very weird. She...
  4. D

    Is there a name for this condition?

    Hello, I bought this welsummer pullet at TSC. A few days later I noticed she was missing a toe and on that same side her feathers are not coming in correctly or at all in many places. The Right side is normally feathered. What would cause this condition? Is there a name for it? I'm in SD so...
  5. D

    Developing my own breeds of gamefowl and bantam

    Well the large combs are good for heat dissipation in hot climates. Kind of like an elephant's large ears. It's fun that everyone has a different aesthetic, that's why we have so many breeds of chickens to choose from! :)
  6. D

    Developing my own breeds of gamefowl and bantam

    I agree they are better adapted, but they just aren't as pretty IMO. Nothing like a big toothed single comb to say, "I am rooster, hear me crow!" Too bad I live in a cold state and really "should" go for pea/rose combs.
  7. D

    Anyone know Isbar/Silverudd color genetics??

    By the way the Silverudd's Blue Association page has awesome information about color genetics under resources. There's even a chicken breeding color calculator from Sweden under "Basics of Chicken Genetics"
  8. D

    Anyone know Isbar/Silverudd color genetics??

    I would like to know what Martin Silverudd used to create them. I've seen Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire Red, Crested Cream Legbar, and Australorp thrown around, but how did he get rid of the crest? How much Australorp do you have to add to get rid of all that red and barring? Can't be too...
  9. D

    Blue Black Splash History

    I understand blue/black/splash inheritance, but I've noticed it is available in so many breeds. How did this happen? Does the dilution gene just pop up that frequently, or is it crossed in at some point? If so, what breed was the first source of the Blue/black/splash coloration, and what...
  10. D

    Mix breeds and egg colors

    It would be awesome to know if you are able to find the breeder. I'm interested as well. Thank you!
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