Recent content by Danish aseels

  1. Danish aseels

    HELP! Weird growth near roosters vent I am really worried about what it is

    I hope this picture helps, I have marked the growth with red and the vent opening with green. Will try to get better pictures/videos today
  2. Danish aseels

    HELP! Weird growth near roosters vent I am really worried about what it is

    I don’t think it’s a prolapsed vent. The growth is right above the vent. he is eating as usual and is not constipated. The growth I have marked with red and the vent opening with green
  3. Danish aseels

    HELP! Weird growth near roosters vent I am really worried about what it is

    The growth is neither very soft or very hard I would say it is in between
  4. Danish aseels

    HELP! Weird growth near roosters vent I am really worried about what it is

    yesterday when I was not home my friend noticed drops of blood dripping from my roosters vent area. Today when I got home and inspected his vent I saw this weird growth near(right above) his vent but no wound. This my first time seeing something like this what could this be ?
  5. Danish aseels

    Weird growth above/near roosters vent

    yesterday when I was not home my friend noticed drops of blood dripping from my roosters vent area. Today when I got home and inspected his vent I saw this weird growth near(right above) his vent but no wound. This my first time seeing something like this what could this be ?
  6. Danish aseels

    Please help hen acting as if drunk

    Chicken acting as if drunk One of my chickens is moving its head left and right and looks disoriented and often wobbles and falls. I observed this in much greater severity when I was standing away from it but when I moved nearer and its focus shifted to me and the issue decreased. I don't know...
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