Recent content by Danny C.

  1. Danny C.

    is this splay leg?

    Sounds to me that just hasn’t built strength up yet if day or so old. I’d say is okay for now. If you have some nutri drench I’d give it some. Hopefully will correct itself in few days. Good luck!
  2. Danny C.

    Chicks dying at a fast rate

    Are you grinding up the gamebird chow to a powder? Needs to be real fine. Did not see in any of these post.
  3. Danny C.


    Second year of raising and hatching bobwhites. Last hatch ( #4 ) I’m doing this season because getting too many to house without outlet to sell locally. Out of 43 fertile eggs 31 hatched on day 23-26, so yesterday morning day 27 looked in and saw no piping or pecks so unplugged incubator. Came...
  4. Danny C.

    Can a mature bird change their gender to become a male?

    Agreed! I am going to quit reading these threads about this. BOTH OF THEM! Getting much to rediculas.
  5. Danny C.

    Quail Taming Tips

    Think The Phantom is correct. Remember these are prey bird and will react to the others in covey. Time will tell.
  6. Danny C.


    With all the rain y’all be getting, sure has effected in much of the slowdown. Barometric pressure and all. Just a thought.
  7. Danny C.

    Quail being bullied...

    The bobwhites you have in pictures are Males.
  8. Danny C.

    Bob White sexing

    Have no idea kind on left. I know there are many different species of bobwhites but got me. Experts will answer soon enough. Here is picture of my bobwhites.
  9. Danny C.

    On raising Quail Certification

    In Texas, I obtained my permit (Breeders License) through Texas Parks and Recreation. Under 1,000 birds $27.00 a year. Took about a month to complete whole process. Well worth it!
  10. Danny C.

    First wave of chixks

    I started my bobwhites on 13th pm. Thought would hatch on 6th, nope 12 - 5/7, 8 - 5/8, 3 - 5/9 with 3 started to pipe but for some reason didn’t finish. Some have other fillings but I prefer to let nature take its course and not intervene. Yes I have another incubator running now scheduled to...
  11. Danny C.

    How to care for baby quails

    To expand on Fishkeeper, I’ve put mine in at 4 weeks and lost 4 out of 23, put in at 5 weeks and only lost 1 out of 34. That is if you have adults!
  12. Danny C.

    Butcher birds attacking my quails

    Not familiar with these birds but can’t be any worse than hawks and falcons that try to get in my pen. It’s very well enforced at bottom and check staples from time to time to be sure no gaps. 3 to 4 days the raptors give up but do cause havoc with my bobwhites. Have lost a few from them flying...
  13. Danny C.

    Japanese quails- help!

    Yes it was! Down to 20 now after culling and selling some in Oklahoma. Many were from my last hatch until they were of age he wanted. They did so that’s when culled and no more lost. That was about 75 down to 39, now 20. Here’s a close up of flock now. And one less rooster. 4 males, 16 hens
  14. Danny C.

    Japanese quails- help!

    As DK said, give them a few weeks in coop. My bobwhites took close to 3 weeks closed up in coop at night before I saw them use more frequently. Now they almost prefer it and lay most eggs in there. Set up looks very good! This is an older pick before I culled half my flock.
  15. Danny C.

    Difference in egg size and weight?

    I also would like to know the answer. I have bobwhites and few are Georgia giants but a very tiny one from one of the regular sized hens.
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