Recent content by dawn secord

  1. dawn secord

    feather development on chicks backs is weird

    Thank you so much!! Great to know.
  2. dawn secord

    feather development on chicks backs is weird

    incubating 6 shipped eggs. 3 chicks hatched from day 19 - 20. 2 chicks clearly in trouble and did assisted hatch morning of 21. chicks were stuck in the shell. I was able to successfully remove the shell from the inner membrane. Found the inner membrane not shrink wrapped. There was no...
  3. dawn secord

    Chick started zipping 7 hours ago still not done

    okay - thank you so much. I have a Joel12 incubator. One chick hatched early on Wednesday. Two more hatched today. The early hatch is really knocking the hatching eggs around. Do I leave it in there or move the hatched chicks to the brooder? Our humidity here in the house almost matches...
  4. dawn secord

    Chick started zipping 7 hours ago still not done

    Should I be worried
  5. dawn secord

    Comment by 'dawn secord' in article 'How "We" Correct Splayed Legs on New Chicks.'

    Do you think this would work for a ten week old chick I acquired?
  6. dawn secord

    I am hatching shipped eggs in an incubator. Will an egg with a blood ring still have active looking veining?

    Previous candling at day 10 and 14 were normal. It was at the same developmental stage as the other 5 eggs. Now it is not. It seems like it is still at day 14 or something???
  7. dawn secord

    I am hatching shipped eggs in an incubator. Will an egg with a blood ring still have active looking veining?

    Just took the photo of the egg. The egg is setting up in an egg carton section to keep it from being rolled by the incubator. I have been hand rolling it 3x daily - very gently. It has been candled day 10, 14 and now 18 at lock down. The other 5 eggs are doing great and are where they...
  8. dawn secord

    I am hatching shipped eggs in an incubator. Will an egg with a blood ring still have active looking veining?

    I will go take a photo. Just starting lock down and don't want to contaminate the other eggs. It has been developing the same as the other 5 eggs - just has had a detached air cell. Hard to tell if the air cell is developing or a blood ring. Thanks for any advice.
  9. dawn secord

    I am hatching shipped eggs in an incubator. Will an egg with a blood ring still have active looking veining?

    I have been incubating shipped eggs for the first time. I am at day 18 and lock down. I have hatched many eggs in the past, just not shipped eggs. There is one egg with a detached air cell that I have been not turning to try to reattach the aircell. I candled the eggs at days 10, 14 and...
  10. dawn secord

    Chick sexing project

    Hi Mark, I recently acquired two chicks from a breeder - they are frizzled, silkie chicks - from a crele project. It seems like the crele coloring is getting more popular. This is a very reputable breeder and the chicks are lovely. I thought they were both going to be boys - but it appears...
  11. dawn secord

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Sadly the one didn't hatch. It was dead in the shell. The 5th one hatched this afternoon. I candled the 6th and it was a no. Lesson learned - not sure if the water had anything to do with it, but going forward I'll make sure no eggs are under the hole where you add water.
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