Recent content by Dawna

  1. Dawna

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 from 17
  2. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in article 'Healthy dust bathes for your flock'

    I keep two tubs of DE, sand and peat moss in the pen, which is covered, so the hens have year round access to a bath. Sometimes I chop up Rosemary to put in also. I'll use your idea of using something with lemon scent to it now.
  3. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in item 'Orpington'

    I've had Buff Orpingtons for about two years now. They are average layers. One went broody a year ago and hatched two eggs in August. The following spring she went missing, I thought a predator got her, but she showed up in April with 15 babies.!! I've had to discourage their broodiness...
  4. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in article 'My Little Fuzzbutt ♥'

    She sure is pretty with those gold tinged feathers around her neck. My Welsummers have feathers almost like hers.
  5. Dawna

    Supplemental light for winter laying

    I've been trying to think of ways to get some light inside my chicken coop. I keep reading that they need 14 hours of light per day. Right now (SE of Austin,TX) it is light about 7:45 a.m. and gets dark at about 12 hours later. But the daylight hours are rapidly getting shorter. I read all...
  6. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in item 'Welsummer'

    I have five Welsummers, got them as day old chicks this past February. They are beautiful birds and get along well with my other hens. I pick them up when I can catch them off guard. They do have a funny call, sometimes they almost sound like a duck quacking.
  7. Dawna

    Dust bath?

    I took a couple of plastic tubs and mix peat moss, DE, sand, wood ash and fine dirt. Usually its mostly peat moss and DE. I'm trying some herbs out, too. I chopped up some Rosemary and put about a cup full in. Whatever you use it seems like the chickens love it. When I clean out the coop I...
  8. Dawna

    Rooster Attacking Me

    My first rooster was an Americauna. He was beautiful. One day he attacked a lady I was standing in the yard talking to. Then he attacked me. I gave him a couple of swift kicks and he ran off. Our grandson thought he would sneak up on the chickens and scare them. He found out that hens run...
  9. Dawna

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Let our dogs and chickens out. Cleaned out the overnite chicken poop and carried it out to a place in the garden. I pruned 6 small citrus trees that had frozen back this past winter. I thought I had lost them all, but they all are sprouting. Watered everything. Prepared a large "strawberry"...
  10. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in item 'Nite Guard Predator Control Light'

    I have used solar light around our pen and coop. I put two together at each corner. I havn't had any break ins, but its kind of hard to get through the metal of a dog pen with cattle panels on top!! I buy the cheapest lights, 97 cents each and they last as long and sometimes longer than the...
  11. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in item 'Wyandotte'

    I have three SLW. They are really bossy, but I would call them friendly, too. They are second in command after my lonely one Barred Plymouth Rock. They are pretty birds. The one pictured here died , but the three that are left all lay an egg about every other day. I get at least one egg a...
  12. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in item 'Orpington'

    I have Buff Orpingtons. They are very friendly. One will jump up on the arm or back of the chair I am sitting in. I don't try to handle them a lot. The rooster I HAD was beautiful, but not friendly. I finally had to give him away he was too protective of his flock. I had to always carry a...
  13. Dawna

    Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

    Last year I ordered 5 pullets and 1 rooster Buff Orpington. Out of the bunch I have a very broody Buff Orpington hen. Last August she hatched two eggs, naturally one pullet and one rooster. Then she went missing early this year. Our chickens are free range so I thought a predator got her...
  14. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in article 'The All New: How to Train Your Chicken!'

    I grew up hearing Mom and other relatives go out toward the chicken yard calling 'chick chick chick' in a high voice, so that is what I have done with mine. Also I have a plastic container that I have feed in (usually cat food) and can rattle it and call them. It is a lot of fun to watch them...
  15. Dawna

    Comment by 'Dawna' in article '"The Coop" est. 2013'

    I really like your coop. I also have Barred Plymouth Rock and Buff Orpington in my flock. AND my husband and I like to sit out in the yard by the coop and watch the chickens!! Better than a lot of stuff you see on TV. The chickens come all around us and one Buff Orpington hen likes to fly...
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