Recent content by Dee Dub

  1. Dee Dub

    Omlet Run Issues

    I do LOVE my EGLU coop. Low maintenance/easy to clean. As it is connected to the large run with a smaller run, I do leave the door to the coop open at all times to allow more ventilation. I've never had an issue with the coop being too hot or too cold. Between the skirts & my dogs, I haven't had...
  2. Dee Dub

    Omlet Run Issues

    Nuthatched - this is a public forum & companies selling products to this audience should be in-tune to current and potential customers. A review here is more likely to have more impact than a review on their website that they control (companies often delete or bury negative reviews). I apologize...
  3. Dee Dub

    Omlet Run Issues

    Thank you ALL for your comments & support! I sent a link to this thread to Omlet and received the reply below. A big step toward rectification, but this does not not change the fact that the product is of poor quality. I wish more companies would follow the example of LifePro (excercise...
  4. Dee Dub

    Omlet Run Issues

    Anyone considering investing a lot in a Omlet chicken run, think again. Love my EGLU coops, but there is a big problem with the runs. I have had mine for just 2 yrs & the deterioration from rust for such an expensive product is unacceptable. There are several places on my run that have...
  5. Dee Dub

    Free ranging Polish to protect her & eggs/chicks

    Thanks again for the quick answer. As this girl was sitting on 13 eggs and I only noticed her absence for 4-5 days before finding her, who knows how many are viable. I plan to candle the eggs, remove the non-fertilized & let her sit on any that are. If there are none, out she goes to join the...
  6. Dee Dub

    Free ranging Polish to protect her & eggs/chicks

    Thanks for asking. I got her & her eggs moved into a pen in my workshop later the same day I posted. For the first 2 days, every time I checked in on her, she was on high alert & not sitting on her eggs. The 3rd day, she moved the eggs around & by the 4th day has been sitting on them regularly...
  7. Dee Dub

    Free ranging Polish to protect her & eggs/chicks

    Thank you...that is reassuring. I will move her inside with her eggs today as soon as I get a break from the rain. I appreciate your quick response :)
  8. Dee Dub

    Free ranging Polish to protect her & eggs/chicks

    Greetings. I free range my chickens during the day. Many hens & one Ameracauna roo. They all normally return to their coops/runs in the evening. Except for of my Polish hens has gone broody outside of the coop/run. I have both dogs & cats. Neither bother the adult chickens, but I am...
  9. Dee Dub


    So glad I found your thread & your pic of you chicks. I am expecting the same type of mix...Lavender Ameracauna x Silver Laced Polish. All an of my Polish girls went broody. Probably another 1.5 weeks until hatch, but I'll try to come back to update. Thanks for sharing your...
  10. Dee Dub

    Advice for Newbie to Harvesting

    How much more difficult and time consuming is it to dry pluck? I just remember plucking after scalding as a child and that took a few minutes.
  11. Dee Dub

    Advice for Newbie to Harvesting

    Thx AidKD. I've seen a lot of the plucking machines on shopping websites. They would only be worth it to me if they were 100% effective. I know that if properly scalded, plucking should be a very quick process. I am really looking at best ways to do the scalding...considering investing in an...
  12. Dee Dub

    Frizzle Easter Egger Gender?

    No opionion on gender...but OMG! Frizzle EE's...what fun!!
  13. Dee Dub

    Advice for Newbie to Harvesting

    Looking to start harvesting my excess roosters. I was exposed to mass butchers as a child on my grandparents' farm. Everything was done the old fashioned way...heads came off via ax, scalding water was toted from the old farm kitchen, plucking was done by hand. It was quite traumatic for me as a...
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