Recent content by Dinogrrl

  1. Dinogrrl

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Either that or the journalist knew EXACTLY what they were writing and has a dark sense of humor...
  2. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yup, luckily I had some on hand so I didn't have to make a quick run to the store. So far two of the cuttings are looking pretty decent, but it's only been a few days.
  3. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I procured for myself some wild muscadine vine cuttings, hoping they'll take root for me!
  4. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well I was bamboozled, what I thought were wild grapes of some variety are actually porcelainberry :(. Very disappointed. They're all entangled in my red mulberries so it's going to be fun getting rid of them without hurting the trees.
  5. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Didn't do anything for my 'garden' today. Just cleaned out my gutters and disrupted an ant nest in the process (it's...been a while since i last cleaned the gutters...). Fun. Checked on the fruit trees, I'm a bit worried about the peaches. There's two left, the rest were duds, but one has one...
  6. Dinogrrl

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    And orchestra kids are too nerdy to be overly loud and social during long trips :p usually.
  7. Dinogrrl

    Any Gamers Here?

    Most of my gaming is Pokemon Go these days. Easy enough to doodle around on during my lunch hour. Also it forces me to do a daily walk for my own darn health.
  8. Dinogrrl

    Any artists out there?

    Currently I'm working on latch hook 'tapestry' number 2. Finally finished the first one (an Archaeopteryx skeleton) earlier this year, and now I'm starting on a copper betta. It's 60" wide and not quite that tall. Help.
  9. Dinogrrl

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Wow I haven't been to the BYC forums in a while... I had to put my 19-year-old cornsnake Noodle to sleep back in August. He had a presumed kidney tumor that was big enough to put pressure on his GI tract and not allow passage of anything. Later in the month I got two baby corns (because it'll...
  10. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @fuzzi Aw, at least you were able to save some though. Neither the purple heart nor the small rose were particularly meaningful to me. The irises that are all around them are, as they came from my grandma, but thankfully they were all dormant when the siding was done and they bloomed again...
  11. Dinogrrl

    Who has more than one pet?

    2 cats, a cockatiel, 50-gallon fishtank, 10-gallon fishtank, two 5-gallon fishtanks, a corn snake, and a greenish rat snake.
  12. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @Sueby Oh that looks interesting, what's it called?
  13. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Finally have some peaches on my tree! And apples, which came as a surprise! One (the sheepnose) has definite baby apples on it, the second (Dry Creek pippin) has some likely apples starting, the third (early transparent) was hit really hard with cedar apple rust last year and is still recovering...
  14. Dinogrrl

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Currently chicken-less thanks to the 'neighbor' who decided 5+ years of me having chickens was suddenly offensive and sicced the HOA on me. HOA later made the mistake of letting slip someone on the board is specifically targeting me, so we're kinda at a Mexican standoff right now. Past couple...
  15. Dinogrrl

    North Carolina

    Yeah we've had a good steady rain all day, some decent gusts of wind now and then, but so far nothing worse than a typical storm. I must have lost power for a bit at home while I was at work but it couldn't have been for long.
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