Recent content by Donnasita

  1. Donnasita

    What predator could be killing chickens at sunrise? Predator identification please ***Graphic Photos***

    This is the second morning in a row I wake up to find an eaten Silkie carcus in my coop. Something is waiting for the automatic coop door to open at sunrise and going for the girls. The head and breast meat was gone on the first one. The second one was picked clean internally, all the breast and...
  2. Donnasita

    Breed and Gender, Help please!

    Thank you for having a look for us. You are very kind! And yes, great news on the girls. 💖
  3. Donnasita

    Breed and Gender, Help please!

    Hi there! We picked up three chicks, one grey, one reddish and one whiteish. We were told they are about a month old. The sell says the grey one should be an Andalusian, the red is supposed to be a Road Island Red and the white one a Delaware. But it doesn’t look right to me, mostly the RIR...
  4. Donnasita

    Chicks from the bantam bin at Tractor Supply.

    Hi! These 4 babies are about 10 weeks old. We picked them up at the bantam bin in Tractor Supply. I need help identifying the breed and gender if possible. I know the white one is a silkie, I’m guessing pullet but I know it’s too soon to know 💯%. What are your thoughts? TIA 1 (yellow)...
  5. Donnasita

    Sexing this adorable Frizzle

    Hello there. This little baby is six weeks old. I picked them out of the bantam bin at Tractor Supply. I’ve never had a frizzle before so I’m trying to figure out if this is a cockerel or pullet. Is it too early to tell? Thank you in advance.
  6. Donnasita

    Surprise box of chicks from Alchemist Farm

    Hi! Wondering if you ever identified the breeds?
  7. Donnasita

    Help me Sex and possibly Identify Breeds

    Hello! I ordered hatching eggs from Alchamist Farm. I hatched Americanas, Cocoa Eggers, Olive Eggers and one French Copper Maran. They are now a little over 6weeks old. I contacted Alchemist farms for help with breed identification but didn’t ever hear back. Please help me sex them and hopefully...
  8. Donnasita

    How many standard eggs can you hatch under a silkie at one time?

    Hi. I want to ask for a little guidance on the hatching eggs please. I received more eggs then I ordered from AlchimistFarms. I still tried to put them all under my broody silkie. Sadly they don’t all fit. I ordered an incubator that will be here tomorrow. I believe it’s recommended to have the...
  9. Donnasita

    What breed duckling is this little one?

    We purchased fertilized chicken eggs from a farmer and we’re very surprised to find this little duckling a week after the others hatched. Can anyone identify the breed? Thank you in advance.
  10. Donnasita

    Can this egg be save?

    chick is doing amazing! She’s back with momma hen and clutch mates. Thank you to everyone for your help. I hope this thread it helpful for anyone who’s going through the same.
  11. Donnasita

    Can this egg be save?

    Thank you for the recommendation, i just did it.
  12. Donnasita

    Can this egg be save?

    It makes big fuss when I picked it up. Kicking and chirping but won’t open its eyes or stand
  13. Donnasita

    Can this egg be save?

    This is just now. I tried to upload a video but can’t figure out how. The chick moves minimally and chirpsz
  14. Donnasita

    Can this egg be save?

    Update: little chick hatched but is weak 🙏🏼
  15. Donnasita

    Can this egg be save?

    Update: the chick is pipping.
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