Recent content by DonyaQuick

  1. DonyaQuick

    Designing and 3D printing feeders & accessories

    Well, I daresay my idea of doing a 3D-printed, push-fit dovetail joint worked pretty well...pushed that little edge piece down flush pretty easily with my thumb, and boy it is is NOT coming out of there even if I want it to. I'd probably have to whack it pretty hard from the other side with a...
  2. DonyaQuick

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Could be! I think there were a couple colors of orpingtons in the flock his egg came from, and he did hatch from a brown egg. There were quite a few other brown egg layer hen breeds in the mix though.
  3. DonyaQuick

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    He's a giant cochin cross. The other half of that cross will probably always be a mystery!
  4. DonyaQuick

    Designing and 3D printing feeders & accessories

    This is where I'm at design-wise for a modular feeder/waterer stand. This is somewaht tougher than the feeder port design because of the weight bearing aspect and need for adjustability without introducing excessive wobble. I've already verified that I can 3D print very large diameter...
  5. DonyaQuick

    The Nice Rooster/Cockerel Thread

    I have 6 roos right now. All of them are good boys, but the stand-out is Mr Goober. He's the son of my most gregarious hen and my smartest roo. He's a big clown; he figured out pretty early on that being silly gets him lots of attenion. When he gets really excited, his little rooster dance ramps...
  6. DonyaQuick

    Designing and 3D printing feeders & accessories

    Aaaaand the 3D ports feeder is officially THE one and only feeder for my main flock. Took a while but I eventually saw all birds eating from it enthusiastically at one time or another, including both roos, and they were starting to ignore the scraps left in the open-topped one. Two bricks of...
  7. DonyaQuick

    My chicken has a bald bottom

    If you have a singular feather plucker, offer that bird an extra source of protein while isolated, like some canned tuna (in smallish amounts - that stuff is salty). The whole flock may also need some protein supplement for a while with molting season approaching. A number of birds in my flock...
  8. DonyaQuick


    I had a bumblefoot outbreak in my flock this year. Most of the hens produced hard kernels, but one hen's feet never produced solid kernels. She had it on both feet, treatment dragged on for a good two months, and it was really hard to clean out the abscess areas completely because of the lack of...
  9. DonyaQuick

    Designing and 3D printing feeders & accessories

    Well I was able to get that frustrating white filament to behave. It needed a 10 degree temperature increase above what was stated on the reel and I needed to let the printer sit preheated for a couple minutes before starting the print. Switching slicer software also helped; I moved to using...
  10. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Ok, new rooster experience for me...Mr Squeak here eliminated a mouse and brought it to me, tidbitting it and everything. 😦 Why thank you Mr Squeak th-*URF*-that's very*BLERGH*-that's so very nice of you...🤢 Don't worry he got hugs and a treat for it, and he saw me take it but didn't see me yeet...
  11. DonyaQuick

    Designing and 3D printing feeders & accessories

    Swapped out the right port's back-end for the newer angled version. I know it doesn't look like it from the picture, but the angled right port actually has more vertical space than the one on the left now. The original open-topped feeder has remained in and with feed in it, but the hens at least...
  12. DonyaQuick

    My chicken has a bald bottom

    Looks like she's getting feathers plucked back there - that blueish gray looks like bruising around the base of the feathers to me. That can happen particularly when a pin/blood feather is plucked. Check carefully for mites/lice; chikens will self-pluck irritted areas sometimes. If you see no...
  13. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    She's such a sweet huggy girl too - so glad I got this bunch of chicks!
  14. DonyaQuick

    Designing and 3D printing feeders & accessories

    Well, not all filaments are equal...and not all PLA filaments are chicken-safe! I thought I'd give a new white reel I got a try just making a little box for tabletop game cards, and boy did it make a mess. This is a brand new reel that was vacuum sealed, so I don't believe this lack of...
  15. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    I don’t think these are chickens. They are some kind of Jim Henson creation that escaped and are pretending to be chickens. Or maybe something that crawled out of a Dr Seuss book. 😂 It’s hilarious to me that these pullets are 15 weeks old and are just 3.5lb big babies still. People aren’t...
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