Recent content by drdrew

  1. drdrew

    How to ensure chickens will come back to their coop when let out?

    I have this flock consisting of 10 hens and 2 roosters I have never let them out of the coop before because they were still young now that they have started laying i wanna let them out to forage and graze in the field but i’m not sure how to ensure they will come back to their coop and if they...
  2. drdrew

    young rooster with low comb

    i have this young rooster he’s 5 months old but his comb is fallen to the side of his head instead of straight up he’s very normal and thinks he owns the flock and keeps pecking on others is it normal for such a young bird to have such a comb ?
  3. drdrew

    baby chick born with one eye

    i had some eggs in the incubator they started hatching a couple days back now i was moving them to the brooder and i realized one of them had one eye on his left side and on his right side a big scar and theres a yellow (egg yolk like substance) inside this scar he seems to be doing fine so far...
  4. drdrew

    newly hatched not doing well

    i got a new hatch of baby chicks in an incubator theyre about 2 days old today but there this one chick that doesn’t seem too well it just lays flat like this all the time and it’s belly seems a bit weird other chicks are jumping and moving around but this one just keeps laying down and theyre...
  5. drdrew

    chick breathing weird

    yesterday it was drinking and eating just fine i dont know what it is but whatever is happening to them it happens fast one day they will be playing around the other theyre unable to move i tried isolating it from the flock so i put it in a small box with food and water but it didn’t make it
  6. drdrew

    chick breathing weird

    i’m glad yours are doing better and i hope that no one experiences this because it really is exhausting and nerve wrecking so far 5 have died since they started this whole thing
  7. drdrew

    chick breathing weird

    i don’t know what to do with these birds anymore i keep the brooder as clean as possible and change the shavings every 2 to 3 days i have washed the brooder with bleach and let it dry in the sun twice i have given them the B1 vaccine and supplemented their water with electrolytes and...
  8. drdrew

    chick breathing weird

    this 13 day old chick is jerking back and forth opening it’s beak and then closing it very quickly like it’s gasping for air it seriously looks like it’s dying i can’t post a video but here are some pictures i really have no idea whats wrong with them
  9. drdrew

    baby chicks dying

    i got back from the vet he said that it doesn’t look like a virus or a disease and it’s probably too much heat he gave me some antibiotics and supplementary vitamins he said that the wooden box shouldnt cause any health issues but it would be better for them to be in a bigger plastic...
  10. drdrew

    baby chicks dying

    the eggs i incubated werent from my chickens i have sussex orpingtons australorp and some plymouth rock these chicks are araucanas i bought the eggs from a local family
  11. drdrew

    baby chicks dying

    yes i know the container is rather small i usually keep them in a bigger oval shaped one in the garage but we’re changing tiles and repainting so i can’t put them there i have to keep them inside the house and i had a bigger 120watt bulb but it burned this morning so i had to use a smaller one...
  12. drdrew

    baby chicks dying

    no i haven’t put anything in their water but it’s eacalating very rapidly a couple hours ago they were all running around now this ones not even trying to get up it’s just chirping really loud
  13. drdrew

    baby chicks dying

    i’m still putting the feed in a plastic bowl i haven’t given them a specific feeder theyre still young i’ve never had this problem with meat birds and i have raised chicks a dozen times but this has only happened last year when they all died and this time i dont know none of them have died yet...
  14. drdrew

    baby chicks dying

    yes i’m using pine shavings i incubated them at home i have a small incubator
  15. drdrew

    baby chicks dying

    just regular pine shavings
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