Recent content by DSill

  1. D

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I have straw under the raised roost bars, and (with a latex glove) I pick out the poop underneath every morning. I clean the cats’ litter box twice a day for the same reasons- health and no smell.
  2. D

    Hen severely injured

    Hydrogen Peroxide damages tissue.
  3. D

    Hoop coop related question

    We have an 8’ bed and curled them in half. It will take a lot of muscle to roll it into a tube. They are quite stiff. We use them for trellises, too.
  4. D

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    I have gravel in the part of the run that has wire over it and sand in the area that has a solid cover. they have sandy dusting areas and boxes. I do occasionally go through and pick up poop, but it’s time consuming and they just poop so much! (Only 6) I keep adding sand and gravel over it. The...
  5. D

    Does anyone have a chicken garden?

    Your garden will last about 10 minutes! Chickens scratch and dig up everything. I tried to be nice and make their own little garden area with greens. After weeks of watering it and waiting, I took off the cover and they immediately destroyed it! What a waste of time!!😂😂
  6. D

    Chicken Coop and Wood Shed together

    If you make this 8x12 instead of 6x12, it will cost the same $ and be bigger. Plywood sheets come in 4x8’ so you won’t be throwing away any extra.
  7. D

    Newbie getting ready for winter - Insulating? Closing down Windows?

    I agree. It’s the high heat that is hard on them!
  8. D

    Sky high lumber prices = thinking outside the box.

    Looks good for now, but does it rain where you live? We HAVE to have a covered run in SW Washington. That would be pure mud here!!
  9. D

    Why Do You Use Deep Bedding/Why Do You NOT Use Deep Bedding?

    I use litter in my 6x8 coop for 6 hens. I have a raised roost area above which also has litter (upstairs bedroom). I clean that daily and add a bit more straw litter on top so it piles up. They don’t poop on the floor litter much at all and spend most of the day outside in their large run, so I...
  10. D

    Not getting enough water from nipple waterer?

    I have a hanging waterer with vertical nipples. I never see the hens use it, but the ground is wet underneath so they are messy with it. I have two that are one gallon with the bottom bowl that I switch about every two days so I can keep a clean one in the run. It’s a pain, but I know they use it.
  11. D

    Can a dog and chickens safely coexist in a small backyard?

    Maybe a Shitzu or or other very small non-hunting type? Dogs chase and chickens run, so it‘s a rare dog that will ignore a chicken. That said, my neighbor has a young, huge Bernese Mountain Dog who completely ignores the chickens. Maybe because the ducks chased him! I’d never let my dog and...
  12. D

    I need to vent...

    This coop has a really steep ramp, especially for chicks. If there’s any way you can enlarge the run so you can make it less steep, it might help. Plus, they need lots of room so they don’t get bored and start picking at each other.
  13. D

    I need to vent...

    Give them time to adjust. They are babies. It took a couple of days for mine to go in and get on their roost on their own. They don’t see well at night and want to be safe inside, up on a roost. Don’t let them sleep in the nest boxes- they poop the whole night. Put some roosts in that can be...
  14. D

    Which Breeds Would Be Good for a Newbie?

    I have 6 hens. I got them all at 2 days old and they’re now 7 months. My buff Orpington is by far the friendliest (from the very first). My Amercaunas are both sweet and a bit shy, but friendly, curious, and get along with the others. The Australorp is friendly and very curious. The blue-laced...
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