Recent content by ducklings5405

  1. ducklings5405


    This is the most drake looking tail because a feather is starting to curl, do you think this ones male?
  2. ducklings5405


    Thanks, but they don’t have any of these signs yet they don’t really quack and when they do I can’t tell which one did it.
  3. ducklings5405


    My three khaki Campbells are only 5 weeks old but i can’t wait any longer to find out their genders. Anyone have any idea? Probably too early to tell.
  4. ducklings5405

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #10

    Here’s my entry 😃
  5. Duck house/coop and run

    Duck house/coop and run

    So here is the duck house/coop and run I built for my 3 ducks. I bought the house second hand online and it was quite easy to assemble. It could probably fit 6 ducks as it’s very spacious. The run is actually a dog cage I bought from, it is 3m long, 1.5m wide and 1.5m tall. The...
  6. ducklings5405

    Locking up at night

    Thanks for the advice. I live in Ireland in the city where the only common predators would be foxes, we don’t have raccoons, ferrets etc.
  7. ducklings5405

    Locking up at night

    It’s a dog cage I bought online that’s made of galvanised steel, similar to this pic, I added chicken wire on top to make the holes smaller. There is also chicken wire on the ground to stop animals digging and also a brick wall built underground to act as a barrier.
  8. ducklings5405

    Locking up at night

    So I have 3 ducks who are nearly a month old that have just started living outside. So far I have been locking them into their coop overnight but they really hate being stuck in there, 11pm-9am. I hear ducks like to wake up at the crack of dawn. Would it be a better idea to leave their door open...
  9. ducklings5405

    Ducklings outdoors

    Sounds good 😃 yes I think I will adjust them to the outdoors using a heat lamp
  10. ducklings5405

    Ducklings outdoors

    Good advice, thanks
  11. ducklings5405

    Ducklings outdoors

    Definitely hotter than where I am🤔I’ll probably let them live outside at daytime at week 3/4 to see how they adapt.
  12. ducklings5405

    Ducklings outdoors

    Thanks for that!
  13. ducklings5405

    Ducklings outdoors

    thanks for the help, my daytime temperature is around 65F and nighttime 52F. That’s almost the hottest it will get all year round in my country. Maximum 77 mid summer.
  14. ducklings5405

    Ducklings outdoors

    I want my ducklings to move outdoors ASAP because they get cabin fever inside and there’s so much cleaning to do. They are just over 2 weeks old and have grown quite big. I know technically I should wait until they’re 8 weeks but can I gradually get them outdoors sooner? For example live outside...
  15. ducklings5405

    Heat lamp for ducklings

    My ducklings are only 2 weeks old but they have completely lost interest in the heat lamp and no longer use it. Does this mean they are ready to live outside? They don’t seem to shiver or get cold outside either.
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