Recent content by DuckMom2017

  1. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    We may have found peace. So here in central NC it has been DRY. Now- my ducks have a pool and 5 water buckets, but they havent been able to dig in the mud. So Friday night I took the hose and flooded a corner of my yard and let them play in the mud. Ever since then it's been peace. I can't...
  2. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    So if I need to increase their protein- would mealworms be the best source for that since they already get good quality food?
  3. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    that looks like the right one. Waterfowl Maintenance. It's done the good so far. They've been on it the better part of 2 years.
  4. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    Also it's not usually my idea of pecking- Tinkerbell seems to be going for the jugular
  5. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    Mazuri Waterfowl is their main food. Then they get leafy veggies, tomatoes, grapes etc as treats and usually a handful of mealworms now and then. (they're too dang expensive to give them regularly)
  6. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    I mean I could add mealworms too if it's too low
  7. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    Maybe lessen the mealworms and Mazuri and add some leafy greens? They get a good bit of spinach and kale as it is ....but I can up it
  8. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    I've had them for 3 years and it came out of no where. and it seems no one has had issues last like I wouldn't worry. I'm just unlucky I guess :(
  9. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    I posted the pictures above. and I can keep them split I guess...I just REALLY don't want to. but noone seems to have had an issue like this before
  10. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    And here he's in the front while Tinkerbell Attacks Lucy. They're looking a little rough where they were pulling feathers out.
  11. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    Here he's on the far left and the rest are the girls
  12. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    In this one Alfalfa- the drake is on the far right and the rest are the girls
  13. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    I'm certain I only have 1 drake- Alfalfa. He doesn't quack. The other 3 quack loudly- and for about a year and a half I was getting 3 eggs a day every day. And I know Alfalfa is the boy cause...we'll....he's not shy about showing his goods. The Run is pretty large. about 15ft wide and...
  14. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    Any advice still welcome. This week I have kept them separated in their pen. Putting them all together is disastrous. To make things worse now the other girl will gang up against the other. So Lucy is the one being attacked. Tinkerbell is attacking Lucy. Derp is female too and if she sees...
  15. DuckMom2017

    Female Pekins Fighting

    Yes and they're still going at it. I did separate them on Saturday just because they started fighting in their pool and it was looking pretty bad. They spent the day apart and quacked at each other thru the fence. But I only have 1 duck house so at night they all get locked up together. I can...
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