Recent content by Duckstail

  1. Duckstail

    Wild egg help!!

    In light of the recent emphasis on environmental enforcement matters, individuals and businesses alike should be aware of potential liability under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) for “takes” of birds protected under the treaty—including Canada geese. The MBTA implements treaties entered...
  2. Duckstail

    Doing anything with wild geese is illegal!! reminder!

    It seems like nobody here knows the law so I'm going to put it really simple for you guys.. doing anything but looking at wild geese is illegal, without a permit. You see goslings with no Mom and you want to help them, illegal. You see cold eggs on a nest with no parent and u want to help...
  3. Duckstail

    You guys need to start reminding your members that tampering with Wildlife is illegal... unless...

    You guys need to start reminding your members that tampering with Wildlife is illegal... unless you want to be an accomplice
  4. Duckstail

    Need advice on 2 abandoned goose eggs

    Here's a reminder for all you people that think you're going to be able to save an animal that has been on this world much longer than humans.. In light of the recent emphasis on environmental enforcement matters, individuals and businesses alike should be aware of potential liability under the...
  5. Duckstail

    Can diatomaceous earth be used ON the ducks without hurting them?

    Glass in de? Think u got something else . de is 100% natural and safe to eat for humans and animals... Just google it. Ur info is way off
  6. Duckstail

    Any ideas on culprit?

    Okay I hope you did it far from your property a dead carcass is only going to attract more predators.
  7. Duckstail

    Found a Goose - What do I do?

    Just put chicken feed with some brewer's yeast ducks need a little more niacin which is B3. Alternatively you could just get some B3 pills crush them up and Add them to the chicken feed. . It's pretty simple and it seems like you're doing an excellent job so far!
  8. Duckstail

    Any ideas on culprit?

    What did you do with the possum? I hear people in the South make possum soup
  9. Duckstail

    Lost 2 of the 4 girls

    I have 11 feral cats next to me they jump over my fence and they come within feet of my ducks never been an issue.
  10. Duckstail

    Found a Goose - What do I do?

    Chicken feed should be sufficient for right now ultimately you're helping I lost duck so anything is better than nothing. A few days of just chicken feed is not going to hurt any way shape or form. If you want to go to Tractor Supply and get flock raiser that's cool too but not necessary. Are...
  11. Duckstail

    Runner Hatchery on East Coast? Time to expand the duck forum.

    First and foremost considering how much duck talks there is on this site I think we need to have some sub categories about ducks. I live in New Jersey and I'm looking for some runner ducks that's within 200 miles.. the closest I really find is in Ohio at Meyers. Anybody know of any hatcheries...
  12. Duckstail

    Help! :(

    I suggest just take the chicken wire off its giving you a false sense of security it does nothing. So if people have mice problems in their house sometimes they would use spackle and break it up with some crushed up glass so that when the mice start scratching to the Spackle they cut...
  13. Duckstail


    This East Coast rain is crazy I don't remember it raining so much in May!!! I have to put my chickens inside luckily I have a pretty big inside shed.. On the flip side my Ducks are having the time of there lives!! Atleast somthing is enjoying this weather
  14. Duckstail

    how to make diy a dog calming spay for dog with anxinety

    Just like a dog and a baby if they cry and then you attention them they are just going to continue to cry knowing that you'll let him out. There are very smart. Crate training is extremely popular method and should be used for all puppies. You actually giving the dog a sense of security the...
  15. Duckstail

    Rabies paranoia

    Rabies is pretty much a zombie illness once an animal has it within a few days they will die and in the meantime they will become a zombie.. Everyone should Google rabid raccoon.. it's pretty distinctive what they look like and once you see the video you won't have any more questions... But...
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