Recent content by dulahdaglace

  1. dulahdaglace

    Does a tractor need a run?

    wow this is super insightful. I work a lot in some seasons, so my homeschooled 9 and 10 year olds will be moving the coop daily during my busy seasons. I want to keep it simple because they love the quail we have now, and I don't want them to resent having to move the birds often when we get...
  2. dulahdaglace

    Does a tractor need a run?

    I worked out dimensions- about 8 ft deep, 5 1/2 tall, and a little less than 4 ft wide to allow roof overhang. Open side is the 4 ft side. I can definitely add a slide door to the open end for nights though, or maybe just a wind break wall. Once it gets built and moved in I'll make adjustments...
  3. dulahdaglace

    Does a tractor need a run?

    I'm building a woods open air coop mini, which will have about 32ft sq for about 6 egg birds, and be moved daily unlike some of the larger ones that are moved less frequently. What are your thoughts on if I need a run during the 3 warmer seasons? (Current plan is to have it stationary in winter...
  4. dulahdaglace

    How much calcium?

    My local feed provider doesn't have a layer game bird feed. He only has the grower and starter. I'm wanting to just add the oyster. My question is what ratio should I add (for example, one tablespoon per cup)? Should I offer it in a separate bowl for them to take as they desire? I know too much...
  5. dulahdaglace

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    I keep my grass long enough that they still have plenty of treats climbing in/reaching in. The bottom of the tractor is about 1 inch off of the ground. It's also hard to tell from both of the pictures due to timing of day, but they always have partial sunlight. inside from the large windows (the...
  6. dulahdaglace

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    seasonal tractor. In the winter when there isn't much growing and in the evenings they stack in the garage (they are not predator proof). During the day my kids carry them outside under a shade tree to enjoy bugs and sun and plants
  7. dulahdaglace

    Failure to thrive/runt?

    I'm new to quail too and dont know all those q's, but the solid yellow turns into a solid white. It's called Pearl coloring. I also had a pearl with a black dot on its head and a white wing pied, all which started yellow with some to no marks.
  8. dulahdaglace

    Should I cull?

    Thanks all for the words of reassuring. This was my first cull anf so hard, but I know it was the right thing to do
  9. dulahdaglace

    Should I cull?

    I gave it another brand name but the twitching is getting worse and its refusing to eat or drink more I'm gonna put little bit out of its misery
  10. dulahdaglace

    Should I cull?

    Sorry my internet gave out as I was uploading. I updated the post
  11. dulahdaglace

    Should I cull?

    I had a batch of 8 yesterday. 7 are happy and energetic. The last to hatch was significantly smaller than the others. It got its head stuck in the shell and was unable to remove the shell (it was clearly already hatched otherwise.) i removed the shell without further complication. However it...
  12. dulahdaglace

    6 hour power outage incubation

    about 8 days
  13. dulahdaglace

    6 hour power outage incubation

    I know various versions of this have been asked before, but mine is slightly different. According to my temperature monitor, I lost power in the middle of the night, and it was out about 5 1/2 hours. I thought about the eggs when I woke up and drove to a friend's house to plug them in. So they...
  14. dulahdaglace

    Laying after light restored

    Yesterday I got one egg, today I got 3 (out of 3 females). I bought a 24 hr timer so that next time the light will stay on. I didn't realize how harmful that was :( they had regular daylight hours but since they're inside, the light isn't as strong as outside which is why I supplement. The eggs...
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