Recent content by dutyfree

  1. dutyfree

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello, sadly my sweet friendly ducks are gone. There is a new duck who occasionally flies in and yesterday she was here and has a bad foot and was limping just terrible. I almost can't take the emotional stress of seeing these creatures suffer......I know, I know, a big part of life and...
  2. dutyfree

    Muscovy Cancer?

    Thanks So much for the reassurance, I'm confident now that it is just "scar" Caruncles like you guys said. I feel much better!
  3. dutyfree

    Palm Beach Muscovys!

    Hi all - Family is from South Dakota, raised in Wisconsin and now living in South Florida! Weird to live somewhere where it gets too hot to even grow much in the garden in terms of "normal veg"! Anyway finally have some space and would like to start raising chickens. In the meantime I have a...
  4. dutyfree

    Muscovy Cancer?

    A friendly Muscovy whom I call Bernard has a wound on the back of his neck - originally I thought he had got in a pecking fight as like many males he can be rather aggressive with other ducks. However, I noticed it about 3 months ago and it is still not healed. His feathers even seem like they...
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