Recent content by Eelantha

  1. Eelantha

    New Way to Hard Boil Eggs

    I will make sure to have a deep bowl to receive any shooting eggs if i ever try this method! xDD
  2. Eelantha

    Homemade supplemental winter goodies for my 6 chickens using dehydrated veggies

    If I had to take a guess, it's to replace the butter in the recipe. I use coconut oil in most of the meals I make, so it's probably what happened here too.
  3. Eelantha

    New Way to Hard Boil Eggs

    Ah ok! For my part I put my oldest eggs (ranging from two weeks old to month-old cold refrigerated eggs, depending on how fast I consume them) in the pot and bring the water to a boil. Once the water boils I lower the heat to medium (half-power), put the lid sideways on the pot and set the...
  4. Eelantha

    New Way to Hard Boil Eggs

    Doesn't the egg risk cracking open when you put cold eggs into boiling water?
  5. Eelantha

    New Way to Hard Boil Eggs

    Do you bathe the eggs in cold water? Put them in the fridge for X minutes before peeling? Or do you let them cool down to room temperature? What do you do to safely peel them without burning your fingers, after taking them out of the oven?
  6. Eelantha

    Comment by 'Eelantha' in article 'Turning to almond and coconut flour'

    Do you have any specific sites where we can go check out almond and coconut recipes? For my part I'm not that much familiar with social media sites so I'm not sure where to look... ^^;
  7. Eelantha

    Comment by 'Eelantha' in article 'Another Way To Hard Boil Eggs'

    I did not even know we needed to add baking soda to the boiling water to make eggs easier to peel xD My region boils eggs in the water for 15 minutes, with nothing added to the mix. When the boiling time is over they dump the hot eggs in cold water and let rest for 5 minutes, occasionally...
  8. Eelantha

    Comment by 'Eelantha' in article 'Preserving Eggs With Water-Glassing: The Results of My Year-Long Experiment...'

    Dirty eggs (slightly dirty or heavily dirty) carry with them bacteria that may just be able to survive hydrated lime when water-glassed. To reduce all risks of contamination and rotting of the egg yolk, it is more preferable to water-glass fresh, clean and unwashed eggs, as this way the...
  9. Eelantha

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    I usually name my chickens based on gut feelings, memories, looks, traits, personalities and/or inspiration. Back when I had started with chickens, I only named the rooster - naming the hens came several years later. If I look up all the names I've given my chickens over time, I have: Roosters...
  10. Eelantha

    do the eggs taste funy when preserved in hydrated lime

    Hi guys! I promised results when I opened my own bucket of water-glassed eggs, and here they are. I hope this helps!
  11. Preserving Eggs With Water-Glassing: The Results of My Year-Long Experiment...

    Preserving Eggs With Water-Glassing: The Results of My Year-Long Experiment...

    Before I start, I want to say that this is above all an experiment, that I posted in the Recipes section because it involves food and at least one experimental recipe. If BYC managers disagree with the placement of this article, please inform me of where it would be better posted so I can move...
  12. Eelantha

    What are the differences between white and partridge Chantecler, besides color?

    Then hens who lay pure white eggs - has their ancestors been crossed with Leghorns at some point, of is the white egg color a result of the breeder's selection?
  13. Eelantha

    Two new Easter Eggers, what cross breeds?

    I don't have personal experience either, so that makes two of us xD But if it IS a chick-sexing trait being developped for pea combed breeds, it's possible not all chicken races have it yet, only some specific strains and lineages. The public at large might not see this trait in their backyards...
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