Recent content by ejcimd

  1. E


    You have me wanting to buy a game cam now...
  2. E


    All this talk of gardening made me gather all the catalogs I had laying about. I have yet to sit down and peruse them but since I spent a lot of time outside today I'm feeling pleasantly tired. Unlike the tired after a long day at work. The chickens already had areas shoveled and today I made...
  3. E


    Right now if it were to get really cold I could have everyone over for a skating party. My back yard is flooded. Conveniently near the bonfire so... Urmmm yeah but instead we'd all be wet and cranky with the chickens thinking their people had lost their minds.
  4. E


    Personally I'm rather bummed that we only have 2 inches of snow left. I have snow shoes that need to be put to good use... Buckeye's are not loving the snow, really they are cold hardy and apparently mine are a bunch of woosies. My OEG they are out and about happily leaving cute little bantam...
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    Barred Rocks!!

    So at my local clubs meeting there was an auction... I know have a lovely pair of bantam Barred Rocks... OH MY... Will post pictures as soon as I get some. With the snow and rain its been to dreary for good photos.
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    The Old Folks Home

    Great job on all of the projects! Looks fantastic and the goats are sure to love their new home.
  7. E


    That was a great looking cage. Yes, we have the barred rocks and they are just beautiful.
  8. E


    I had a really great time at the CMBF Meeting yesterday. It was nice getting to meet Hoppy and AshandVine. Next time I think I might bring my Gram. She can't always hear very well but I think she would enjoy the "social" aspect. She's 86 and after the meeting I'd take her over to Morse's for...
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    Ash - I will be baby friendly! I haven't met anyone on here yet and I'm nervous too. Now at the same time there will be other bird crazed people who understand our addiction! I'll be sure to look for you. Irene
  10. E


    Hey Hoppy, will you still be going to the meeting tomorrow? I plan on making the trip.
  11. E


    What a wonderful gift So thoughtful and I'm sure you were pretty darn excited.
  12. E


    Annabanana - So sorry to hear about your chicken babies... My first batch of chickens I had in a coop and they free ranged during the day. A fox got in and just butchered 90% of my flock. Didn't even eat one, didn't take one just killed every chicken he could catch and left them all. I...
  13. E


    Ha, Ha... If only there was a video camera running. I bet there was a moment why your BF jumped... I've heard my oldest step son actually scream like a girl and run because one of my ladies startled him. The laughs we have had about that are so priceless. So some of us appear to be pretty...
  14. E


    Welcome to the Maine contingent of BYC Keric!
  15. E


    H Hoppy I am so sorry to hear you lost your bird. 29 years is truly a life companion.
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