Recent content by elaineinspain

  1. elaineinspain

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    She is already wrecking the neighbourhood by trespassing on your property and encouraging her dog to chase your chickens! She was chasing your birds out of your garden and into the road where they could cause a traffic accident or get killed. See if you can speak to her about it, and...
  2. elaineinspain

    Comment by 'elaineinspain' in article 'Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method'

    Fermented feed smells like strong cheese, if that’s what you mean by “smelling horrible”😂
  3. elaineinspain


    Thanks for your reply. That’s what I was worried about… I was wondering if they’d leave the seeds, like they do with cherries and nispero fruit🤔
  4. elaineinspain


    I’m thinking of planting a couple of cherimoya trees in my poultry pasture. Does anyone know if they’re ok for chickens to eat? Will they eat the seeds? I’ve heard they’re poisonous…
  5. elaineinspain

    Possible emergency;

    I would give her extra niacin as well.
  6. elaineinspain

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    Keep us updated!😊
  7. elaineinspain

    To much ventilation?

    I’m in south Spain. We regularly get temps 45C in summer. My birds are in a converted stable. Air flow is what you need, so windows/ventilation gaps on opposite sides of the construction and good shade. My coop/stable is under the shade of a large fig tree on the south west side (afternoon sun)...
  8. elaineinspain

    Mites! Everywhere!

    You can try putting sulphur in their dust bathing areas, and sprinkle it on the roosts once or twice a week. The sulphur needs the body heat of the hens to work. When they hunker down on the roosts at night it produces enough heat to make the sulphur effective against the mites and fumigates the...
  9. elaineinspain

    Mites! Everywhere!

    Has she got a dust bath with wood ash and sulphur in it? That generally gets rid of mites on the bird quickly. But you also need to treat the coop. I release Androlis predatory mites into my coop, after making sure there is no DE or anti mite chemicals in there. ( these will kill the predatory...
  10. elaineinspain

    Mites! Everywhere!

    You could try contacting this business in USA and ask them if they have predatory mites for Northern fowl mites. mite.htm I’ve never used this company as I am in Spain, but was doing some research for a different thread and found it. Worth a try!
  11. elaineinspain

    Mites! Everywhere!

    You could try contacting this business in USA and ask them if they have predatory mites for Northern fowl mites. I’ve never used this company as I am in Spain, but was doing some research for a different thread and found it. Worth a try! Good...
  12. elaineinspain

    Androlis Chicken Mite Predators

    I’m in Spain, but I found a business in USA that could help you Good luck! 🤞
  13. elaineinspain

    Androlis Chicken Mite Predators

    I have found this company in USA If you contact them and ask for Androlaelaps casalis predatory mites…
  14. elaineinspain

    I have fright, I found a million mites!

    The thing is, there are thousands of different sorts of mites. Not all mites are poultry mites eg I have worm bins to make vermicompost and there are mites in there. They help break down the compost. They aren’t pests and don’t hurt the worms. If you have compost piles or mulch in your garden...
  15. elaineinspain

    Androlis Chicken Mite Predators

    They work as long as you don’t have any sort of “anti mite” stuff like diatomaceous earth, Sevrin dust etc already in your coop. They come in a tub with “bedding” and you sprinkle them onto the places poultry mites like to hang out when not feeding on your birds. Then wait. It takes them a...
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