Recent content by Eleni12

  1. E

    Golden Comet sneezes/heavy breathing

    When she does sneeze it is normally when she is running around in the yard/digging looking for bugs. She is very adventurous, I think she just eats fast.. she does not sneeze while dust bathing. I do check her beak and keep it clear of any debris. I haven't seen any fluid, thanks for the feedback!
  2. E

    Golden Comet sneezes/heavy breathing

    Hi everyone, I wanted to get some opinions on my golden comet. She is almost a year old and shows no signs of sickness. I have noticed she sneezes about every other day or so.. (sounds like a dog squeaker toy) and she breathes heavy compared to the other girls. Is it just her type of breed? This...
  3. E

    Jersey Gaint egg shell soft

    okay, thank you for the advice
  4. E

    Jersey Gaint egg shell soft

    My jersey Gaint just laid I believe either her very first egg or either her second egg… the shell is soft. Is that normal ? They are also very small and white colored. My other girls were also very small but never had a soft shell. Also around 10 mins after laying she was acting strange and...
  5. E

    Loss of feathers around chick’s eye

    Looks like her eye is irritated maybe she got some of the shaving in her eye. It happened to my hen and took over a week to heal. I used some dog eye drops and just let it heal up. My girl would scratch herself around the eye bc it would itch maybe that's why your chick eye looks like it is...
  6. E

    Serama: males or females

    Yes I would agree with your guesses
  7. E

    Chicken hurt her leg

    So I noticed her skin was dark green on her thigh. It is not green anymore and she is hobbling around a bunch more and still laying/eating/drinking. I have noticed she hasn't been using her toes yet to dig or anything. It will be 2 weeks on Friday since her injury. Does this healing process take...
  8. E

    Could someone identify my black chicken?

    yellow! she is 9 weeks old 😊
  9. E

    Could someone identify my black chicken?

    I think black australorp
  10. E

    Chicken hurt her leg

    thanks for that info! hoping thats all it is!
  11. E

    Vitamin Deficiency

    My hen has a hurt leg from an injury, I want to start my girls on vitamins. I want to start them on B complex and should I also do vitamin E? Both 1/2 pill a day? I only have 2 hens
  12. E

    Chicken hurt her leg

    My barred rock jumped like a wild girl off her ledge and hurt her leg. No swelling or bleeding but she is not putting pressure on her leg. I have wrapped it up and she has still been acting like her normal self. I believe it is her upper leg.. so the thigh? Any suggestions? This happened about 4...
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