Recent content by Eliz

  1. Eliz

    Big Valentine's Day Surprise!

    She is a standard. Sex link actually. I don't think she likes her new accommodations, she was quite unhappy to be locked up but has settled back down on the eggs. She also rolled a few eggs away and out from under her, which was okay because she had about 13 she was trying to lay on. I think...
  2. Eliz

    Southern chickens chicken about snow

    Yep! My Georgia chickens wanted no part of the white stuff either. Not even their favorite treats would get them on the snow for some camera time.
  3. Eliz

    Big Valentine's Day Surprise!

    First Happy Valentine's Day to all! I have 3 hens and one mean rooster. My hen's nest box as been empty for about a week and a half and I just figured they we all taking a break. I have have not check the box for the last 3 days until today. Well there was 4 eggs in the box and a hen making...
  4. Eliz

    Help!! Rooster with broken leg.

    Well it has been a week.... In this week his leg has swollen then in the last couple of days the swelling went down. The one thing that is of major concern to me now is that some of the skin on his leg and where the leg meet the body has some light to bright green color on it. Could this be...
  5. Eliz

    Help!! Rooster with broken leg.

    Update and another question: He is still in his splint and seems to be dealing with it the best he can. He hates being in the cage and not running around with his hens But they seem to know what's going on and staying close to his cage and not free ranging much. One thing that seem to...
  6. Eliz

    Help!! Rooster with broken leg.

    I found where the break is. I have splinted the leg and also put it in a sling -like thing where the bone feels straight. I also put him in a small dog create with food and water so that he won't injure his self any further. What type of antibiotics should be used for this type of injury...
  7. Eliz

    Help!! Rooster with broken leg.

    I think the break is pretty high up on the leg. It kind of just hangs there and if you touch it, it kind of spin right to left. Very strange to see the leg move like that.
  8. Eliz

    Help!! Rooster with broken leg.

    I think my rooster's leg is broken. It seems to just be hang and limp at the hip. He is still walking around on the other leg and crowing and seems ok other wise. No skin broken. Can I split the leg to heal? If so how? Please help!
  9. Eliz

    What is happening in my nest box???

    No not really because the eggs are cracked just slightly. Only one time did an egg get it hard enough to seep some of the insides out and then it was a very small amount.
  10. Eliz

    What is happening in my nest box???

    I have 3 hens that share one nest box. They have been laying for about 6 mths. Never had a broken egg until two weeks ago. Now almost everyday at least one is broken and the box is all scratched up and the eggs sometimes are buried under the mess of pine shavings!!! What could be going on...
  11. Eliz

    Hen has become the third wheel!?

    One of my hens is the outcast of the flock! The two sex link are older than my rooster and one little hen (brother and sister). The roosters little sis gets pushed around by the two sex link and they will not even let her in their next box. So I got little sis her own nest box and that...
  12. Eliz

    Stray Dogs Trying To Kill My Chickens!!!

    Were in bulloch county Ga. close to Savannah. I sure hope they do get them and soon.
  13. Eliz

    Stray Dogs Trying To Kill My Chickens!!!

    Well their ears must have been burning! Animal control just showed up here. They think they may know who owns the dogs, and if not they are going to come back Monday to set traps to catch them. yeah!!
  14. Eliz

    Stray Dogs Trying To Kill My Chickens!!!

    Ok so I am going to shoot them. What can I do to get them to show up, hang around a second, and not haul tail it out of here as soon as I open my door? Should I try bait? Put some out in a spot that I know I can get a good, safe shot and just check it a couple times a day???
  15. Eliz

    Stray Dogs Trying To Kill My Chickens!!!

    There is two stray dogs that run our very, very rural neighborhood. I have caught them in the act twice cornering and scattering my flock!!! The bad thing is as soon as I open my back door they are gone. Two days ago these PITA's got into my neighbors run and killed one of her hens. Later...
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