Recent content by ElleCeci

  1. E

    khaki Campbell drake's

    Hi, Jay, I am a newbie like yourself. I have 2 cajuga's (hen/drake) and two Khaki's (hen/?) All are about 5 months. The cajuga drake developed fast but the Khaki's were slow. Question for you. Shouldn't the khaki drake have its curl by now? The one in question has a small lift to the middle...
  2. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    I have come to the conclusion that I prefer to help in another way and keep the peace for my flock and the sanity for myself. Thank you All!:)
  3. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    :lol: I thought of that too! Maybe I should just stay out of it. I get pulled in because I like to see happy, healthy animals. I enjoy learning and helping, that too! I have given this a lot of thought and will continue and the solution hopefully will present itself. Thank you!
  4. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    Thank you. I have read that which is why I am heavily thinking about this. If it doesn't work out I have other friends with larger flocks that he may go to.
  5. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    Thank you. Perhaps I will try and see how it goes. He is a beautiful Rooster. I like mine which is a, I believe a new hampshire. Red, I call him.
  6. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    Thats what I thought initially to try and if not find another solution. Thank you.
  7. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    I am canaan, Ny and she has two roosters that I am not sure their breed. I think of Wyandotte. The other that is a keeper is the Barred Rock Roo
  8. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    No, not yet. I just worry because she has a small coop and 5 hens. Because they are still young they still seem tolerant of each other. I can either find another farm for her or suggest if it gets to be a problem....x which I or my daughter is not a big fan of. That is harder to do for us.
  9. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    Yes, it is just a matter of time. That is why I am worried and want to help my daughter out and alleviate her problem of 3 roosters but to take on another rooster in my flock could become a problem for me.
  10. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    Interesting. My daughters 3 roosters seem fine together because they have grown up together. But eventually they will tire the 5 hens out which I am worried about.
  11. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    My daughter has 3 roosters to 5 hens and I was going to help her out by taking one. Very skeptical. She has a large property where I have a smaller one that is all fenced in. I don't want a lot of crowing or fighting. I don't want a rooster aggressive to my 4 ducks either. Her roosters seem...
  12. E

    Thinking of getting another rooster

    Is it possible to have two Roosters to 7 hens?
  13. E

    Sexing khaki Campbell's-drake or duck?

    I am thinking two drakes, but perhaps you already know that. Curious what they look like now.
  14. E

    Hi everyone at BYC!

    Thank you! Glad I am here. Ellen
  15. E

    Hi everyone at BYC!

    Hello from US. Thank you!
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