Recent content by enancypope

  1. enancypope

    Hii! I'm New to BYC and I Love It!!! hehe I LOVE CHICKENS!!

    Welcome to BYC!! We are so happy to have another join the crew!
  2. enancypope


    Oh im so sorry for your loss! it is so hard to lose a pet :(
  3. enancypope

    Wattle Wednesday

    now thats a scary looking face! whats the breed?
  4. enancypope

    HELP I prematurely cracked an egg on day 19

    Im so happy for you! im glad all turned out well for the little guy! just a heads up once they are a week or older they can fly so make sure to have a lid on their home.
  5. enancypope


    Try putting water in its mouth and then closing its mouth? (make sure not to cover its nose)
  6. enancypope


    Thats an issue... is it unconscious? if it is awake i would try to give it water with a small syringe
  7. enancypope

    HELP I prematurely cracked an egg on day 19

    Please do update! im eager to know what happens, hope all turns out well!
  8. enancypope


    Is it hydrated? How long has it been like this?
  9. enancypope


    Can I have a picture?
  10. enancypope

    HELP I prematurely cracked an egg on day 19

    Youre very welcome! the temp should be good at 99... now you just cross your fingers and wait! I am hoping for the best!
  11. enancypope

    Wattle Wednesday

    Our Black Australorp rooster, he is a big sweetheart (and gorgeous!)
  12. enancypope

    HELP I prematurely cracked an egg on day 19

    Leave it in the incubator! Check on it often, if you're lucky the chick will be strong enough to fully hatch and it will dry off in the incubator. If you take it out it will get chilled (even under a heat lamp) only take the chick out if it is too crowded (which i doubt)
  13. enancypope

    Making a Chain-link Chicken Run Look Attractive

    you could try planting vines to cover the ugliness of your run
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